Thursday, October 31, 2019

Courtroom and the Jurisdiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Courtroom and the Jurisdiction - Essay Example Federal courts have limited jurisdiction. They can only hear cases falling within the area or scope defined by the Constitution of the United States or the federal statutes. The writer has chosen the bombing case at Boston Marathon where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev murdered three people and injured over 250 people after detonating a bomb during the Boston Marathon in 2013. Concerning jurisdiction and seriousness of the crime, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged in a federal court rather than state courts of Massachusetts. Dzhokhar was charged with thirty counts including maliciously damaging and destroying property with an explosive device, and conspiring to use a mass destruction weapon. The federal government can prosecute cases that fall within the federal jurisdiction. United States attorneys may decide to prosecute their cases concurrently with state crimes prosecution, or they may choose to prosecute from the state courts (Index to Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2008). In the case of Tsarnaev, federal prosecutors give importance to death sentencing. This may have been the only reason that the feds took over the state’s authority and why Dzhokhar underwent trial in the federal court rather than state court. A death penalty is prohibited in some states in the U.S. Several high profile cases recently have shown that innocent defendants sometimes plead guilty. More shocking is that in most of these cases, the defendant is known to be innocent or that people suspect his innocence at the time of entering the plea. On 19 August 2011, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were released from prison almost 18 years after they were arrested in relation to murders of three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis. Their freedom came at a cost of pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit. The plea bargain secured their freedom, but the three men will be considered as convicted murderers (Hemmens, 2009).  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational learning and development report Essay

Organizational learning and development report - Essay Example Organization learning and development has been viewed in different perspective by different individuals and organizations. Organizational development is concerned with improve a business’s performance and personal development of its workers. Each business should be perceived as a coherent system made up of different parts. Organizational development as a procedure comprises of methodologies and gains in tactical arrangement, organizational plan, headship development, training, variety and balance between employment and life (Kozlowski & Salas 2009, p. 48). Learning is gained either from the individual level or team level. Organization learning and development can be summarized by figure one and two. In reference to Kozlowski and Salas (2009, p. 28) work, an organization may learn formally or informally: Informal Learning is the learning that the organization sets its targets, goals, and objectives to be achieved by itself while in formal learning, the organizations departments sets their targets, goals, and objectives and how to achieve them within the given time frame. However, both formal and informal learning is not involved with the learning but rather the person who directs the organization towards the achievement of the set goals and objectives. Informal learning relies on four main organization’s principles, which include context, cognizance, experimental, and relationship. Relationship learning occurs from interaction of individual or organization during their production. Cognizance learning occurs when an organization intents to learn about an aspect or a situation occurrence has forced the organization to learn. Context learning occurs outside the formal learning setting that is from either observing how differently thing are done by other organizations. Lastly experimental learning happen when an organization experiments a procedure/process then draws conclusion from the results achieved (Kozlowski & Salas, 2009, p. 30). Figure one belo w summarizes formal and informal learning activities. Figure 1 Factors Facilitating Learning in Organizations Learning can be described and expressed in different ways, individuals and organization can use different approaches in learning. Learning is a combination of cognitive and a behavioral procedure whereby new ideas end up to new behaviors and/or new actions lead to new ideas. Cognitive and behavioral change may happen simultaneously to improve concepts or may be separated by a time lag. The difference between a mere undirected action and learning is that cognitive development is either a pre-action incident or a result of innovated actions or capabilities. Learning is progressively seen as an active, public, and dynamic procedure, passed through individuals reflecting and acting together. The quality of learning socialization between people and societies is a major resource that needs to be grown and sustained. Learning has a close connection with knowledge; it is the procedu re that brings on a change in cognition and/or behavioral actions. Know how is dynamic; it happens to be useful, and picks on significance as an employee applies it to the organizational challenges. The concept of knowing refers to employees’ capability to advance, combine, and exchange their thoughts and expertise

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Prevention Of The Stock Market Crash Economics Essay

The Prevention Of The Stock Market Crash Economics Essay The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression the world had ever seen. What happened and how did the stock market crash occur? Could it have been avoided? Simply put, yes! There were numerous issues and oversights that were made during that time by all Americans. Obviously, it did not occur overnight. Where had the consumers, government, and/or businesses gone wrong? There is no doubt that we, as Americans, have become smarter in terms of our economic knowledge, but are we doomed to go through another Great Depression in the future? What have we done, or what can we do to avoid this from happening again? To understand the Great Depression we first must look back at the economy prior to that time. For most Americans the stock market crash of 1929 has become the symbol marking the beginning of the Great Depression. The economic boom of the 1920s was reflected in a stock market which rose from 60 in 1920 to its peak of 381 on September 3, 1929 (Tothero Crowley, 2008). After World War I, the soldiers returned home. They had money in their pockets and many new products to spend their money on. Prior to the war, many products on the market were considered a luxury, but with the onset of mass production, many of those items that were considered a luxury were now common. With the soldiers returning from the war, everyone having money in their pockets, and having products and services readily available, this put the world in a euphoric state, with the idea that everything was ideal. The Roaring Twenties, as they were referred to, was a time of great economic prosperity. This was mostly due t o the wide array of consumer goods that were available. New technologies, soaring business profits, and higher wages allowed more and more Americans to purchase a wide range of consumer goods. Prosperity also provided Americans with more leisure time (The Great Depression (1920-1940), 2009). Americans were purchasing more consumer products on credit such as automobiles. As the economy blossomed, suburbs were created, U.S. cities had drastically changed, radios began broadcasting news and music, and the aviation and motion picture industry had grown, as well. Times were good for the American people during the Roaring Twenties. The decade saw North America becoming the richest region on the earth, with industry aligned to mass production, and a society with a culture of consumerism (Roaring Twenties Economy of the 1920s, 2005). With so much growth in the economy at that time, the government did not feel that they were in jeopardy of a crash so they did not intervene. Since the war was over and all the men were home, there were goods and services being pumped into the economy and everyone had money to spend. People were borrowing and spending money without a care, and thought nothing could go wrong. By the time the government figured out there was a problem with the economy, it was already too late. Prior to the Great Depression, governments traditionally took little or no action in time of business downturn, relying instead on impersonal market forces to achieve the necessary economic correction. From one extreme to the other boom to bust. The magical prosperity vanished almost overnight as people lost confidence following the stock market crash (Nelson, ed., 2000). This could have possibly avoided the crash had the government had the foresight to be more strict with the financial institutions and their lending habits. Individuals should have been wiser with their spending. They should have saved money rather than buying things they did not nece ssarily need. During the early 1920s, federal spending grew three times larger than tax collections and when the government cut back spending to balance the budget, a severe recession was the result of those actions. The value of farmland fell 30-40 percent, and the middle class comprised about 15 to 20 percent of all Americans, while the richest one person owned 40 percent of the nations wealth. Between 1920 and 1929, individual worker productivity rose 43 percent and the number of people reporting half-million dollar incomes grew from 156 to 1,489 between this time period; a phenomenal rise compared to other decades, but still less than the one percent of all income-earners. In the early 1930s, more than half of all Americans were living below the minimum subsistence level and the annual per-capita income was $750; and $273 for farm people. Construction was down by $2 billion and then a recession began, approximately two months before the stock market crash. During this timeframe, production dec lined 20 percent, wholesale prices were at 7.5 percent and personal income was at 5 percent. Then, on October 24, the stock market crashed. Investors called October 29th Black Tuesday for the loss of $16 billion, which was a lot of money in those days. Also during this time, the gross domestic product (GDP) fell 9.4 percent from the year before and the unemployment rate rose from 3.2 to 8.7 percent. During this time there was absolute panic, no major legislations were passed addressing the depression, a second banking scare occurred in the spring, the GDP fell another 8.5 percent, and unemployment rose to 15.9 percent. The decline in the GDP, while dramatic, was not as spectacular as the explosion in the unemployment rate. Mainly because the unemployment rate represents what was not produced that could have been produced. Consumer purchasing somewhat fell, government purchases did not fall at all compared to 1929, but there was a dramatic collapse of investment purchases. Why did investment purchases collapse so dramatically? Because interest rates affect investments. The problem in the early 1930s was that the rate of inflation was negative, meaning there was deflation instead of inflation. This meant that borrowers were not paying back as much money as they borrowed. The table below shows the nominal interest rate was declining during this period, but because the rate of inflation was negative, the real interest rate was much higher than the nominal interest rate. YEAR PRICE INDEX RATE OF INFLATION % NOMINAL INTEREST RATE % REAL INTEREST RATE % 1929 13.12 5.85 1930 12.60 -3.96 3.59 7.87 1931 11.34 -10.00 2.64 14.04 1932 10.05 -11.38 2.73 15.92 1933 9.78 -2.96 1.73 4.54 In the years leading up to the stock market crash, the stock market had gained much popularity as a way of making money. Because stock prices had been on the rise, they gained the reputation of being a safe way to invest. Beginning in 1926 and ending with the crash in 1929, the market moved up nearly 400%. Many investors believed stocks were their ticket to riches (Valentine, 2009). Investors were talking up the idea of how much money could be made by investing in stock. With all the talk of the get rich quick scheme and the relaxed credit terms from banks, the buying frenzy began. Simply put, people were naive, greedy, and wanted a way to get rich quickly. American businesses and the people placed too much faith on what they did not fully understand, and they did not think of the long-term repercussions that could occur in the event of an economic crisis, such as a recession, or in this case, with the Great Depression. Problem one: People were too loose with their money. Rather than to save for their families, they placed their money in the stock market in hopes of receiving a nice return. People were purchasing stock on margin. What does this mean? They were only required to pay 10% down and borrow the other 90%. For example, if $10 worth of stock was purchased, the investor put in $1, while the mortgage broker put in the other $9. It was a good deal as long as stocks were gaining value. However, if the stock lost value, the stockbroker would issue a margin call requiring the investor to pay back the loan. In the example above, not only did the investor lose the $1 he invested, he also had to pay back the $9 hed borrowed (Valentine, 2009). As you can see from the example, stocks could go awry at any given time injuring the broker, but more specifically injuring the investor. People were disillusioned that stocks would always rise and never fall. Today, not all stocks and investors are eligible for a margin account. This is a great benefit in determining what stocks investors are safer using, such as a margin account, and may not be so prone to losing the funds that are invested. Do you recall the definition of a margin call? Money placed for the original purchase of a stock needed to be paid back by someone; the investor. The economy rapidly deteriorated as people sold their stocks to hold on to their hard earned money, and brokers wanted their borrowed money back. Resolution: In general, there is no resolution on how people should spent their money. We cannot tell another individual what they can or cannot buy. Some people save, while others do not. An option that is current in present times, but could have been an acceptable solution prior to the crash, could have been to have financial regulators increase their financial ratio requirements for banks so less money would have been borrowed. Banks would have had less of a money supply by doing as such. Perhaps by increasing the banks financial ratio requirements, Americans generally could have spent less and purchased less in stocks. The stock market crash devastated the American economy because not only had individual investors put their money into stocks, so did businesses. When the stock market crashed, businesses lost their money. Consumers lost their money too, because many banks had invested their money without their permission or knowledge (Valentine, 2009). Problem 2: There were no programs that would protect the consumers from having their money be used, without their permission, by banks to pay back debts for the stocks. As you can imagine, American consumers and businesses were losing money, which caused people to panic and pull their life savings from the banks to hold on to what they had left in order to feed their families. Resolution: Unfortunately, without the regulations in place, there were no regulatory rules on what could or could not be done by the banks. The financial institutions were stealing money from the American people without permission. Until the proper regulations were put into plac e, there was nothing that could have been done at that time. Resolution: Eventually, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was createdto regulate stocks, bonds, and other commissions. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was also created to insure consumers deposits in FDIC-enrolled financial institutions. In addition, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) was created to insure crops planted by farmers (Valentine, 2009). Soon after Herbert Hoover became president, the stock market began to take a turn for the worst. In 1929, some of the larger investors realized the stock prices were artificially high as a result of the mass investments from speculative investors. So, those savvy investors started trading their stocks and consequently, stock prices began to fall. Then, brokers issued margin calls leading to further stock market drops (Valentine, 2009). Problem three: The way the stock market was handling the tracking of the volume of buying and selling of stocks. As stocks were traded and falling in price, investors started selling their shares over the course of several days, being Black Thursday through Black Tuesday, which caused the stock market to crash because millions of shares were being sold too rapidly. The technology then was not what it is today. This should have been taken into consideration when dealing with something of this magnitude. At one point the ticker tapes were nearly 90 minutes behind the market causing the market to drop by 33 points or 9% by the end of the day. Also, by Tuesday, the ticker tapes fell nearly 3 hours behind causing another 12 % drop in the market. Due to the issues with tracking most of the time investors were trading blind (Stock Market Crash of 1929, 2007). Knowing what we know today, regulations should have been put into plac e to help keep things under control. For example, today if the DOW drops by 10% before 2 p.m., trading will be halted for one hour. If the DOW drops by 20% before 2 p.m., trading will be halted for two hours. If the DOW drops 30% before 2 p.m., trading will be halted for one day and if another event such as September 11, 2001 occurs, they will either close early or not open at all to prevent panic (Little, 2009). Besides the issues of tracking, another subject to address is the relaxed credit terms. When stock prices began to drop, the market started changing. In turn, investors were requiring the loans to be paid in full. If the individual had their money in the bank, there was a good chance the bank had invested their money without their permission causing yet another loss of funds on top of the money they had already lost themselves in the stock market. Although President Hoover believed that the government should not intervene with the economy, he said families could turn the economy around if they continued to work hard and rely on themselves (Valentine, 2009). Of course, we all know hindsight is 20/20, but by creating the SEC, FDIC, and FCIC I believe that it helps the economy have a little assurance that the government is trying to help anyway that they can to prevent the stock market from crashing again. In conclusion, it takes more than the government, investments, and American people to change economic activity. It takes everyone in the U.S. to contribute, in one way or another, to the overall health of the economy. In regards to government involvement, money supplies and/or government spending can be increased or decreased, and/or taxes can be lowered or raised in order to assist in the health of an economy. Businesses can invest in new equipment or buildings, and/or construct new homes. We, as consumers, should find a happy medium, if applicable, to our spending habits. For instance, do not borrow more than you can pay back or afford. On the same note, do not spend more of your income on unwanted items and only spend on what is absolutely needed, such as food, clothing, bills, and leisurely activities. Unlike many Americans prior to the stock market crash, do the needed research prior to blindly committing and purchasing any good or service that is not 100% understood. It is best to financially access your individual needs based on your income. Take into consideration the chances of a potential layoff or the future health of a loved when considering a major purchase of something. It is best to plan for the future and to invest in something that is thoroughly researched and understood prior to placing your life, and that of your family, at stake. With all the more economic knowledge we know today, can we avoid another Great Depression? Only time will tell if lessons have been learned, but knowledge is the first step in understanding how to avoid disasters such as those that had occurred 80 years ago.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essay: Needs vs. Desires in Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays

Needs vs. Desires in King Lear          In Act 2, Scene 4 of King Lear, written by William Shakespeare, Lear argues that for a person to be content with only what one needs, is the same as reducing a human to the level of a beast or animal. I am in opposition to Lear's idea via the issue of needs versus desires. Through knowledge based on experience, observation, and reading I can elaborate on my reasons for choosing to challenge his opinion.    From my own experience I know that a need is a lacking or requirement for a substance, to live; an adequate amount. So a desire is to wish or long for more of something; or in Lear's world, to be on the verge of mania. A good way to compare needs versus desires is food. Food is a necessity to live. When you eat the right amounts of what you ought to, you are sufficiently nourished and therefore healthy. Yet, if you always go to an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet and try to get your monies' worth by gorging yourself, that is a desire. This is for the reason that you are overeating, and the majority of the food is more harm than good. At an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet you persuade yourself to always eat one more plate full. It seems to be worth it, so you eat till you reach the point of marginal utility for the money you have spent. By doing this you are satisfying the desire temporally but your stomach is miserable, which is a base lifestyle to have. I believe you should eat to live and not live to eat, nor should your flesh rule over you. The way this relates to Lear is that he could not depart without all of his men even though he did not need them anymore. He wanted to keep some since of wealth and authority. Lear also desired to be flattered which lead to his own demise.    By observing people I know that if you own less you are more appreciative of things in life. Yet if you own more you desire more. Therefore you become a slave to your passions and lust, rather than an owner of your possessions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Belonging: Birmingham Royal Ballet and Billy Elliot

An individual had chance to choose to belong to community/ place/ culture which can helps a person gain an idea of belonging or not belonging to themselves because belonging is a part of our life. â€Å"Immigrant Chronicle† of Peter Skzynecki, Billy Elliot of Stephen Daldry and the Lottery by Shirley Jackson are 3 properly evidence shows an idea of belong within an individual feeling to connect to community or place or culture. The acceptance and understanding of big father can make a strong relationship within no bad mood reason such as Billy Elliot. The full shot of Billy’s Father try to push Billy back to the Health Check Room in the Royal Ballet School while he had changed his mind and want to come home emphasises Billy’s Father realised that Billy need to prove his talent in the good situation like Royal Ballet School. Furthermore, a sense of belonging can emerge from experiences through the family because the family is a perfect situation which helps an individual identifies themself in love, in relationship. Moreover, the poem called Feliks Skzynecki in the collection of poem called Immigrant Chronicle by Peter Skzynecki is convey the idea of family – specific the relationship between father and son. The poem opens with the uses of first person singular – â€Å"My Gentle Father† suggests ownership and recognition of a familiar bond, the persona belong to his father. The use of word â€Å"Gentle† establishes Feliks as a calm and mild man and also demonstrate the relationship between the persona and his father is completely strong. Therefore, family is the first place which teaches you about the understanding and acceptance to identify the sense of belonging in your life. An individual can fit in a group and can feel the sense of belonging while they can notions their identity, relationships connection in that group. This can be seen in the story called â€Å"The Lottery† telling the audience about the story of a small village where all the people come to do the traditional draw every year and from there, the relationship between people, neighbour, family are made. It is shown by the descriptive language of the paragraph – â€Å"The children assembled first, of course. School was †¦ †¦ †¦ their older brothers or sisters. † can properly emphasise that the connection between student, children, and peoples. In addition, the sense of belonging can discover if an individual can find out and gain the happiness with their notions of identity, relationships. This statement is further emphasised in the movie called â€Å"Billy Elliot†. Billy – a main character had hoose Ballet to identify his dream in the future, Ballet’s community group is where he can identify his identity. It is shows by the costume of his boxing gear – the white singlet can allow him to connect to Ballet’s class easier because the dancing girls are also dressed white. So, a sense of belonging can be finding out when an individual notice their identity, relationships, acceptance and understanding in a group. However, som etimes the understanding and acceptance are occurs but the sense of belonging is still silent. This can be finds in the â€Å"The Lottery†, the traditional is force to separate the family by doing the unfair and weird gaming festival. The dialogue of â€Å"It isn’t fair, It isn’t right† and the descriptive action after the dialogue which is a stone hit her on the side of the head depict the barrier’s wall between people with the tradition’s gaming which you have to take your life into the dangerous mood. No acceptance, no relationships, no understanding, there will be no sense of belonging. Immigrant Chronicles† – the book of poems which Peter Skzynecki convey the idea of barrier of belonging. Specially, â€Å"Migrant Hostel† highlights the barrier of belonging. Sustained imagery of bird projects the perspective of feeling uncertain about the future and reflects the transitionary stage of the composer’s life. So, while the acceptance and understanding are occur, there is also have a barrier of belonging from an individual. In conclusion, a sense of belonging can emerge from experiences and notions of identity, relationships, acceptance and understanding.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Malgudi Days” by R.K. Narayan Essay

In Malgudi Days, although R.K. Narayan seems to present us with a bleak portrayal of India where life is very hard and there is very little human happiness, he means to reflect the triumph of the human spirit over the cruel circumstances of life. In India, poverty and the lack of education are prejudiced against and people are discriminated against because they are poor. In ‘A Willing Slave’, Ayah is discriminated against and treated badly merely because she is an uneducated servant. When she comes back late for the first time after her visit home, her employers imagine the worst, thinking ‘she has perhaps been run over by a car and killed’, ‘she must have taken it in her head to give herself a holiday. No one is indispensable. I will dismiss her for this.’ Although Ayah has contributed much to the family, no one but Radha appreciates it. The same goes for Sidda in ‘Leela’s Friend’, who is immediately assumed to be a thief si mply because he was an ex-convict. However, the characters are not totally unhappy. Both Ayah and Sidda have a close, loving relationship with their charges, Radha and Leela, who seem to cling on to them more than they do to their parents. The children are free from prejudice and appreciate the true value of their servants. It is also untrue that the vicious cycle of poverty condemns a person to a life of unhappiness. In the story ‘The Martyr’s Corner’, the lack of education does not mean a poor and unhappy life for Rama, who was said to be ‘earning more money than graduates’. At times, external circumstances overturn previously happy lives and characters are not in control of their destiny. In ‘The Axe’, the appearance of the developers literally tear down Velan’s happy existence and forces him to leave the house. In ‘The Martyr’s Corner’, Rama is forced to become a waiter when his life starts on a downward spiral after his ‘old spotâ€⠄¢ was taken up by a statue of a dead political leader. Yet, while the characters are not in control of external factors, they still have control over their inner lives. Rama lives with and adapts to his new environment and still retains his usual, placid manner. People also seem to be manipulated and exploited by other people. In ‘Selvi’, Mohan uses Selvi as an emotionless mannequin, even to the point where he gives her a ‘script’ to follow, all for money and his personal fame. However, Selvi’s emotional and spiritual self does not seem to be affected. She was ‘rapt in some secret melody or world of her own’ and even though Mohan controls her body, he is unable to control her mind. She  also eventually rebels and goes back to live in her old home. In ‘A Willing Slave’, Ayah seems to have been exploited by her employers. Her ‘self-imposed tasks’ go unappreciated and even when her husband takes her away, he feels ‘proud of his slave’. However, Ayah seems spiritually happy at being used, she seems to need feeling needed and is as happy serving others as they are exploiting her. It is her happiness that matters in the end. There seems to be little human happiness presented in Malgudi Days. Love causes hurt and pain, people are torn apart by conflicting circumstances. Mixed blessings give cause for lament when people cannot enjoy their rewards. In ‘Forty-Five A Month’, Venkat Rao cannot spend more time with his family as he seems to have been purchased outright for forty-five rupees. However, as we look behind his reasons for slaving at his job, we find that he swallows insults at work so that his family can swallow food. His love for his daughter is great and it gives rise to his motivation at work. In ‘A Shadow’, Sambu misses his father immensely as he loves him a lot. However, the very existence of Love is a great triumph for the human spirit. Therefore, though there may be hardship and s uffering, in the end we see that the human spirit has the ultimate victory.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Spottswood W. Robinson III essays

Spottswood W. Robinson III essays Spottswood William Robinson, III was born in Richmond, Virginia on July 26, 1916. As a young man, Spottswood Robinson had two heroes, his father and his grandfather. Actually, he idolized his grandfather, who had been born into slavery, yet persevered and later became a successful businessman. He has said that his grandfather and father were strong influences in his life. He went to Virginia Union University when he was the age of 17. When he finished his studies there he then attended Howard University School of Law. His professors became his new heroes because they helped him to see the law as a means of solving the basic problems of American society. For Robinson, these new things became a challenge that gave his life purpose. In 1939 he graduated first in his class. According to Harry T. Edwards, Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, "Robinson graduated from Howard Law School with what is still reputed to be the highest scholastic average in the school's history." The men who taught and inspired him were great lawyers of the time. Their names were William Hastie, George E.C. Hayes, Charles Houston, Bernard S. Jefferson, W. R. Ming, James M. Nabrit, Jr. and Leon A. Ransom. After graduation Robinson became a faculty member of the Howard University School of Law from 1939 until 1947.  He also, along with his mentors and another group of Howard-trained Attorneys Thurgood Marshall, Oliver Hill, Arthur Shores and C. Wolden met at Howard or in nearby cities to assist each other in preparing civil rights cases. They were a marvelous group of men who unselfishly gave time and knowledge to the cause of civil rights. At various times, Robinson was an instructor, professor and also a partner in the law firm of Hill, Martin and Robinson in Richmond. Robinson was one of the core attorneys of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund from 1948 to 1960. Through the NAACP Robinson worked on important civil rights cases including ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

To Live essays

To Live essays In the movie To Live the main characters in the movie gone through a lot of loses and a lot of suffering. There are many ways to explain why such unfortunate events always happens to them, but look at the big picture, there is one root cause that created all the ripples effect. The one root cause is the time that they live in, the events that were happening at the time, another word, they Communist revolution thats sweeping across China. Even though it seems like they are living a better life when the Communist party took over China, they end up losing their first born daughter and second son because of that. During the movie, when the district director was visiting the elementary school, the mother wanted the son to stay home and sleep because he didnt get much sleep the night before. But according to the father, it would be counter-revolutionary of them to keep their son home when the director is visiting, and because of that, they force their son to go to school even though he is really tired. Later on in the movie, who find out that the son fell asleep behind a wall and the district directors car hit the wall which crushed the son to death. Now if the father didnt have that idea behind his head, that he have to be a good citizen and set a good example, hed let the son stay home, and the son wouldve died. Also when their daughter was pregnant, and she went to the hospital, the family was nervous that all the doctors in the hospital were on teenagers but all the elder doctors were arrested for being counter-revolutionaries. They were out and find one of the professors from the hospital to watch over the operation. During the operation, the young doctors run into a problem that they were too inexperienced for, the older professor couldve saved the daughters life, but he was starved by the red guards and then choked on the buns that the dad gave to him. Their d ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930

The Protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930 The US Congress passed the United States Tariff Act of 1930, also called the  Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, in June 1930 in an effort to help protect domestic farmers and other US businesses against stepped-up imports after World War I. Historians say its excessively protectionist measures were responsible for raising US tariffs to historically high levels,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹adding considerable strain  to the international economic climate of the  Great Depression. What led to this is a global story of devastated supply and demand trying to right themselves after the terrible trade anomalies of World War 1. Too Much Postwar Production, Too Many  Imports   During World War I,  countries outside of Europe increased their agricultural production. Then when the war ended, European producers stepped up their production as well. This led to massive agricultural overproduction during the 1920s. This, in turn, caused declining farm prices during the second half of that decade. One of Herbert Hoovers campaign pledges during his 1928 election campaign was to aid the American farmer and others by raising tariff levels on agricultural products. Special Interest Groups and the Tariff The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was sponsored by US Sen. Reed Smoot and US Rep. Willis Hawley. When the bill was introduced in Congress, revisions to the tariff began to grow as one special interest group after another asked for protection. By the time the legislation passed, the new law raised tariffs not only on agricultural products but on products in all sectors of the economy. It  raised tariff levels above the already high rates established by the 1922 Fordney-McCumber Act. This is how Smoot-Hawley became among the most protectionist tariffs in American history. Smoot-Hawley Provoked a Retaliatory Storm The Smoot-Hawley Tariff may not have caused the  Great Depression, but the passage of the tariff certainly exacerbated it; the tariff did not help end the inequities of this period and ultimately caused more suffering. Smoot-Hawley provoked a storm of foreign retaliatory measures, and it became a symbol of the 1930s beggar-thy-neighbor policies, designed to improve ones own lot at the expense of others. This and other policies contributed to a drastic decline in international trade. For example, US imports from Europe declined from a 1929 high of $1.334 billion to just $390 million in 1932, while U.S. exports to Europe fell from $2.341 billion in 1929 to $784 million in 1932. In the end, world trade declined by about 66% between 1929 and 1934. In the political or economic realms, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff fostered distrust among nations, leading to less cooperation. It led toward further isolationism that would be key in delaying US entry into World War II.   Protectionism Ebbed After Smoot-Hawleys Excesses The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was the beginning of the end of major US protectionism in the 20th century. Beginning with the 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, which President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law, America began to emphasize trade liberalization over protectionism. In later years, the United States began to move toward even freer international trade agreements, as evidenced by its support for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The topic is about different social class school have different Essay

The topic is about different social class school have different works(read two articles I provide, then write paper on the basis of two articles) - Essay Example Economically sound students can acquire knowledge from different sources whereas students from poor economic backgrounds may struggle to get enough resources for their learning needs. For example, computers and internet are essential for the students to get proper insights into the topics they learned in the class. However, poor students may not have the financial abilities to purchase it. Jean Anyon categorised schools into five different groups based on their social class; Working-class, middle-class, affluent, professional, and executive elite schools. On the other hand, Malcolm X illustrates how a learner may take responsibility of his/her own learning as he uses his new skill of reading and hunger for knowledge to learn the history of prejudice and discrimination against â€Å"the black man†. This paper analyses how active and analytical learning pedagogy and approaches as experienced by Malcolm X in comparison to Jean Anyon’s various social class based teaching me thods prove to be an effective pedagogy of teaching and learning as well as preparing our future leaders. Passive education or teaching is taking place in working class schools. â€Å"Social studies in the working-class schools is also largely mechanical, rote work that was given little explanation or connection to larger contexts. In one school, for example, although there was a book available, social studies work was to copy the teachers notes from the board. Several times a week for a period of several months the children copied these notes† (Anyon, p.5). â€Å"I read the histories of various nations which opened my eyes gradually, then wider and wider† (Malcolm, p.4). Both Malcolm and Anyon are saying the same thing that active education or teaching is not taking place in America, at least in the lower category schools. Teachers in such schools are not much interested in explaining the topics in detail. They will never try to explain the purpose, aim, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Diversity - Essay Example Sources have indicated that the practices of inequality began in the 21st century in the UK. Afterwards, they spread to other countries around the globe and have become an enormous challenge (Dickens 2007, p. 470). The literature further indicates that no country possesses equal opportunities for both genders in the work place. According to Acker, the term inequality refers to disparities in the way the powerful in a working organization exercise their authority (Acker 2006, p. 445). For example, they may make decisions, offer promotions, and provide job security in favor of some individuals. It is thus evident that such inequalities have resulted to discrimination and dissatisfaction in the workplace. Therefore, both the developing as well as the developed states has realized the necessity of managing the diversity. However, despite the support of the above by the majority, some have argued that it does not offer anything new compared with the traditional â€Å"equal opportunitiesà ¢â‚¬  (EO) policies (Dickens 2007, p. 475). There are many dimensions upon which one can address the issue of diversity that has become highly prevalent in the workplace. Sources have revealed the existence of workers from dissimilar cultures, religions, genders, sexes, and physical abilities. The diversity in the workplace has culminated into discriminations and inequality thus the need to manage it. For a long time, different countries have been championing for equal opportunities in the working environment. In facilitating the process of bringing equality to these states, they have enacted a number of policies, which govern all activities carried out in the workplace. Among the enacted policies was the EO policy, which aimed to, provide equal access to job opportunities irrespective of the procedure applied in identifying diverse social groups (Sonia 1997, p. 12). The EO policy, developed and used by employers in diverse forms of organizations, focuses on several issues. The pol icy mostly ensures adherence to the equality provisions of different organizations. According to some scholars, such policies endeavor to discourage diverse categories of discriminations present in the workplace. Additionally, the policy provides access to equal opportunities for different categories of social groups. The traditional EO policies addressed numerous varieties of equality. It aimed to create a working environment whereby respect withholds (Sonia 1997, p. 16). In addition to creating an outstanding working environment, the policy aimed to prevent, as well as to curb the escalating cases of discrimination and victimization. The equal opportunity policies also provided disciplinary proceedings for those involved in the discriminatory, as well as the harassment practices. The equal opportunity policy has been in use in places such as the UK, and the US (Sonia 1997, p. 18). Recently, the concept of diversity management heightened; therefore, need to note its difference from EO policy. As opposed to the EO policy that views people as members of different social settings, diversity management views individuals as having different needs, as well as requirements. Dissimilar individuals will interpret the phrase differently, but its most appropriate interpretation is that it integrates many policies, even those addressing the issue of equality (Barak 2010, p. 25). The process of diversity management focuses on altering an organization’s cultural, as well as their working processes. Moreover, sources have revealed that the process of managing diversity in an organization aims at enhancing an organization’s efficiency (Walsh 2007, p. 31). An organization that depicts an escalation in the discrimination and inequality occurrences fails to function effectively.

Gas Price Warning as Cold March that Leads to Short Supplies Essay

Gas Price Warning as Cold March that Leads to Short Supplies - Essay Example This has generated a decrease in the supply of the gas in the UK resulting in an increased demand for gas. This increase in demand is mostly expected during March, the coldest seasons in Britain. Due to an increase in demand, prices of inputs also go up which leads to the increase in the production cost. Secondly, the electricity blackout is the other key point where the supply and demand cost of production concepts are applicable. The article illustrates â€Å"there was a very real risk of the lights going out within the next three years† (Harvey, 2013, p.1). This was so because SSE intends to shut down its power plants due to high operation cost making the stations uneconomical, which would result in electricity shortage. This will reduce the supply of electricity to the nearest 2million homes that are being supplied by SSE. The shortage in power supply will lead to a rise in demand for alternatives such as gas leading to increase their prices. Due to this increase, input prices will also go up, which will, in the long run, create a foundation for a rise in the cost of production of goods and services in Britain. Thirdly, another issue is the outsourcing or importation of gas from the outside UK. With the encroachment of the cold season in March in the UK, The demand for the gas increases, but due to low supply from UK suppliers, the prices will go up making the country import gas from other countries like Russia and Norway. As illustrated by Spulber (2009), this will increase the cost of the production as the importation of the gas will lead to increase in the cost of inputs, which will further lead to increase in the input prices hence higher cost of production. Lastly, the cold snap, which is expected in the month of March, is a key point in the article with two economic concepts applicable to it. During this cold season, most people keep their houses warm  throughout the day by using various heating mechanisms. This cold season always leads to increasing the demand for various heating mechanisms.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case Study 7 & 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study 7 & 8 - Essay Example Working as a single domain,, CCI has two domain controllers one for each facility, and three member servers, one for internal emails and other applications and others are used for CCIs main database. The business layer, as related to the Top-Down Model, has been serving the needs of all staff scattered in two facilities situation in Ohio by the IT Manager. Internet connection was not provided to the staff as such demand has not been made by the staff. Through the TCP/IP protocol, all the 50 employees were provided computers, servers, and routers with private IP address, joining two locations through a dedicated T1 line. Two subnets using the subnet mask have been created by the IT department for connectivity between the two facilities. At the application layer, Microsoft SQL Server is being used to store the main database of CCI. Strict modular separation of functionality at application layer has been provided through the TCP/IP protocol through T1 line and creating subnets. At the network layer, as per the new business requirements to provide access to suppliers and customers of important information related to order processing and supply chain management through extranets while giving due consideration to security and cost reduction, firewall and Network Address Translation (NAT) was recommended to the owner of CCI by its IT head. NAT router made it possible to purchase less IP addresses and provide security by translating the internal IP addresses of employees to external addresses. Thus, through NAT, the NAT router worked as a negotiator between public internet and private network. At the data layer, CCI has in place LAN for faster data transfer through Microsoft SQL server to its database. The technology layer of Ethernet with LAN has provided excellent connectivity among the staff at the two facilities to share resources.

The ideal global citizen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The ideal global citizen - Essay Example In this regard, one hereby aims to create a personal concept for the ideal global citizen through an exploration of various contentions on education, religious knowledge and moral systems. A more comprehensive picture of a global citizen was expounded through reflecting on the definition of a global citizen. Parallelism with terms such as globalization or multiculturalism; while ultimately deciding to settle on the term cosmopolitanism (Appiah 58) are equally confusing and tend to provide increasing ambiguity, instead of clarity. Intricate as it seems, one perceived that to establish conjectures of ultimately concluding that â€Å"cosmopolitanism is an adventure and an ideal† (Appiah 62), would be the only shared conviction with Appiah’s discussion. For one, the features or traits that make a global citizen ideal are those cited by Appiah of Christoph Martin Wieland’s 1778 essay in the journal Teutscher Merkur, quoted as: "Cosmopolitans . . . regard all the peoples of the earth as so many branches of a single family, and the universe as a state, of which they, with innumerable other rational beings, are citizens, promoting together under the gener al laws of nature the perfection of the whole, while each in his own fashion is busy about his own well-being† (Appiah 59). The ability to acknowledge that citizens are part of one universal family but recognizes individuality, privacy and confidentiality makes the concept ideal and global. Since one recognized that the concept of idealism is analogous to absolute perfectionism, an ideal global citizen, apart from acknowledging universality of being a citizen of the world, should likewise accept the natural law for diversity in values and principles; yet, adhering to moral codes of conduct. As Albright cited Pope John Paul II’s argument that â€Å"if people were to fulfill their responsibility to live according to moral principles, they must first have the right to do so†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anything of Van Morrison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anything of Van Morrison - Research Paper Example His dynamism in composing and singing different song genres boosted his music career by ensuring that he stayed relevant to the changing times. Among his greatest albums was A sense of wonder, released in 1985, the album became a hit and among the songs that sold the album was one which he used to name the album. The rock genre piece is a classical of all times owing to the level of creativity that Van Morrison employed in its composition. He personally directed the first version of the song bring it out as a soft rock. Morrison carried out his research effectively before writing and composing a song. The themes he addressed in this piece earned him a direct entry into the market by being relevant to the issues affecting his target market. Among these included the social issues affecting the youths of the time. The early 19th century youth craved for change and revolution. Morrison epitomized this in his rock genre release of the song and the manner in which he addresses the issue in a musical composition. The track A sense of wonder has to this day been performed by a number of secondary artists most of who change the beats in order for the piece to fit other music genres thereby expanding its market base. Among such artists are The Chieftains, an Irish band with which he later performed a number of Grammy winning sets and John Lee Hooker who tried converting the piece into the Blues genres in 1991. Morrison’s original piece of the song is a soft rock; the band setting gives it the natural aura of such. He succeeds in creating a holistic piece by developing a harmonious set in which the entire beats are in unison with the lyrics of the song. He composed the song in a structure of a poem. This made it easier to sing owing to the fact that poem structures easily fuse with the beats. In his composition of the piece, he uses a number of composition styles to achieve the rhyme and rhythm that later sold the track. He uses refrain extensively, this is the rep etition of a phrase or a word in the piece in order to create a rhythm. The chorus is one such collection of sentence he repeats after every successful stanza (Hindemith and Arthur 22). A number of subsequent rock artists composed songs without choruses but Van Morrison in most of his tracks used choruses. Choruses break the monotony presented by a plain rap or narration in a stanza; it reminds the audience of the underlying theme in the song and has often served as the central point in the entire song. Van Morrison’s chorus in this song is therefore served to create the thematic statement and the kind of fusion it earns with the instruments and the beats sells the piece. During the chorus, he changes his voices to a near alto finish thereby interacting with the female voices in the set. This gives the song a twist from the previous straight, tough and dry voice in the previous stanzas. Additionally, by the chorus the beat changes seamlessly in accordance with the flow of the previous stanza, an audience does not automatically feel the change in the beats that serve to create the rhythm and unity in the entire piece by giving an adequate consideration of the difference that the chorus ought to convey. Additionally, Van Morrison achieves rhythm by using with rhymes extensively in the near poetic piece. Rhymes are a series of similarly sounding words that the songwriter uses at the end of every

The ideal global citizen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The ideal global citizen - Essay Example In this regard, one hereby aims to create a personal concept for the ideal global citizen through an exploration of various contentions on education, religious knowledge and moral systems. A more comprehensive picture of a global citizen was expounded through reflecting on the definition of a global citizen. Parallelism with terms such as globalization or multiculturalism; while ultimately deciding to settle on the term cosmopolitanism (Appiah 58) are equally confusing and tend to provide increasing ambiguity, instead of clarity. Intricate as it seems, one perceived that to establish conjectures of ultimately concluding that â€Å"cosmopolitanism is an adventure and an ideal† (Appiah 62), would be the only shared conviction with Appiah’s discussion. For one, the features or traits that make a global citizen ideal are those cited by Appiah of Christoph Martin Wieland’s 1778 essay in the journal Teutscher Merkur, quoted as: "Cosmopolitans . . . regard all the peoples of the earth as so many branches of a single family, and the universe as a state, of which they, with innumerable other rational beings, are citizens, promoting together under the gener al laws of nature the perfection of the whole, while each in his own fashion is busy about his own well-being† (Appiah 59). The ability to acknowledge that citizens are part of one universal family but recognizes individuality, privacy and confidentiality makes the concept ideal and global. Since one recognized that the concept of idealism is analogous to absolute perfectionism, an ideal global citizen, apart from acknowledging universality of being a citizen of the world, should likewise accept the natural law for diversity in values and principles; yet, adhering to moral codes of conduct. As Albright cited Pope John Paul II’s argument that â€Å"if people were to fulfill their responsibility to live according to moral principles, they must first have the right to do so†

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Grit Test Essay Example for Free

Grit Test Essay I guess according the test I am a extremely â€Å"Gritty† individual. It states that I am grittier than 80% of the American Populous. I guess I can attribute that to my military experiences. I will now do my do diligence in answering the question on the lab sheet. Question 1) what difference does age has in your ability to be persistent? I think age has nothing to do with being determined or persistent. It is an inherent trait that is taught. You must learn to not fear and use the emotion to your advantage, and your drive. Question 2) Does it matter how long your attention span is? I think it does, you must learn to focus to succeed in anything, and in today’s society that is discerning and I am concerned. Question 3) Does labeling something as â€Å"fun† and â€Å"easy† matter to your perception of how long and well you could persist on project? No I prefer a good challenge and I enjoy working on project that are challenging. Question 4) If you take pride in your work, do you think you’d persist longer than if you were self-critical. I don’t think I would do as well, if I cared about popularity. I handle my project as a mission and I am mission orientated. Question 5) What about your ability to delay gratification? How might that impact your ability to be persistent? How is the ability to delay gratification related to maturity. How is it related to self-control? How is it related to self- control? How is persistence different from self-control? I am very good at delaying gratification, because of my military training to be â€Å"Companionably Dis-Passionate.† I really think that this question is irreverent to me. I also think it has nothing to do with matuarity, because I know a lot of 40 year old people that act like they are 12. Self-control is a learned inherent traits, that is taught though  discipline and self-pride and determination. Sources Cited: Michelson, B. M./ U.S. Army (2013, September). Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders The Laissez-Faire Approach. Retrieved from This book shows how to develop military leadership and training that can be used to train individuals how to react to any situation a military leader can endure. This book can also help with how we interact in a society that lacks leadership and discipline. Goren, P. (2007). Character Weakness, Partisan Bias, and Presidential Evaluation: Modifications and Extensions. Political Behavior. doi:10.1007/s11109-006-9019-0. Is this article, the author discuss what is makes a strong leader versus a weak leader, and he discusses the issues in our governments policies and how strong and week presidents and leaders can make our break a government.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Learned Helplessness Can Impact Patient Satisfaction Nursing Essay

How Learned Helplessness Can Impact Patient Satisfaction Nursing Essay Ever since To Err is Human did patients really start to care about the quality of care they received from their physicians, hospitals, and healthcare organizations. However, healthcare organizations had already recognized the importance of patient satisfaction several years earlier. Many organizations started measuring patient satisfaction as a way to judge the perceptions of how their patients viewed their experiences while under their care. There are many facets to measuring patient satisfaction but to date the concept of learned helplessness has not been incorporated into the mix. Learned helplessness is a phenomenon occurring in many places in our society. It affects how we work, interact with others, conduct our business, and employ our thoughts and views on healthcare. When experience with uncontrollable events leads to the expectation that future events will also be uncontrollable, disruption in motivation, emotion, and learning may occur. That phenomenon has been called learn ed helplessness (Cemalcilar 2003). Armed with a better understanding with how learned helplessness plays a role in patient satisfaction healthcare settings will be better able to alleviate this discomforting phenomenon and thus should raise patient satisfaction scores. This paper serves as a vehicle to investigate the concept of learned helplessness combined with a review of patient satisfaction and provide guidance for research to further our understanding of the relationship between the two. Literature review: Learned helplessness came about by accident in 1965 by Martin Seligman and his team while studying the relationship between fear and learning. Seligman observed an unexpected behavior while investigating Pavlovs theory on stimulus and response. Seligman didnt pair the bell with food but rewarded the dog with a small shock while restraining the dog to keep it from running away. The researcher thought that the dog would experience fear after hearing the bell and would try to run away or display some other type of behavior. After this the dog was placed into a box with two compartments divided by a low enough fence that the dog could see the other side and escape if the dog so desired. To their amazement, after the bell was sounded the dog didnt try to run away but instead just laid or sat on the one side of the box. The researchers repeated the test but instead of sounding the bell they gave the dog a small shock. As was the case with the bell the dog decided to stay on its initial sid e of the box. The test was repeated with a dog that had never been subject to any of the previous experiments and when given the shock the dog took flight and jumped over the small fence to escape. What was decided was that the first dog, while being restrained, learned that trying to get away from the shock was pointless and the dog had no control over its destiny and was therefore helpless. Some researchers have contended that the dog just thought he was being punished for some act of wrongdoing or that the end of the pain from the shock was indeed the reward. However, this behavior has been used in a variety of situations which will be explained here in an effort to learn more about this phenomenon. Learned helplessness has detrimental effects on children. They develop a lack of self-confidence in challenging tasks which result in deterioration of performances (Dweck, Davidson, Nelson, Enna, 1978). These children do not develop good problem solving strategies and can suffer from lack of attention and think that all of their efforts are fruitless. Children like this are often held back a grade in an effort to bolster their social and academic skills. In the end, they get a message that they are worthless and hopeless (Berger, 1983). These children may be inadequately prepared to take on new learnings and perform out of the ordinary tasks. Failure become synonymous in these childrens vocabulary and repeated efforts may do little to change their outlook. In Eriksons view, he suggests that children with few successes will become inferior which leads them to have a low self-esteem (Berger, 1983). Most learned helpless students give up trying to gain respect through their academic pe rformance so they turn to other means for recognition. They may become the class clown, bully or tease. When they begin adolescent years they try to gain respect through antisocial behaviors (Berger, 1983). With learned helpless children, competence is almost entirely destroyed. They lose confidence within themselves because they experience failures, leading them to believe they are failures. They might feel competent about something at first but if they fail in that activity they wont bother to try it again for fear of failure. Autonomy is also faint in a learned helpless students life. They feel as though they have no control over their environment because no matter how hard they tried in the past, they never succeeded. As for relatedness, learned helpless students feel as though they dont belong because they believe that they dont relate to the environment. This is why they become the class clown, bully or tease in order to get their recognition. These results may include becomin g an antisocial individual during their adolescent years or earlier. These three factors are all detrimental to an individuals growth and development in our social world today. There have been a few scales conducted and measured trying to use this construct in a variety of situations. The majority of these studies utilized learned helplessness as a secondary construct in explaining either complaint behavior (Lee and Soberon-Ferrer 1999) and measuring the relationship between empowerment and learned helplessness (Campbell and Martinko 1998). The study showed that there were many differences between empowerment and learned helplessness. Another study was conducted in a hospital setting with a reported reliability of 0.85. It had a positive relationship with Becks hopelessness scale (r=.252) and a negative correlation with Rosenbergs Self-Esteem scale (r=-.622) (Quinless 1988). Another way it can affect people is through different emotions such as pessimism, futility, risk aversion, depression, and self-esteem. It has been defined in people as a state of which the consumer cannot control their destiny or outcomes and therefore relinquish control over a certain situation. What research to date has been conducted to study patient behavior with learned helplessness? Raps et. al (1982) found that the longer a patients length of stay was the worse the patient performed on cognitive tasks that index learned helplessness. First, they determined this because of a perceived loss of control by the patient. Second, increased hospitalization resulted not only in increased deficits but also in increased vulnerability to identical deficits produced by minimal amounts of uncontrollable noise, suggesting that the process underlying the deficits in the no-noise conditions is learned helplessness produced by hospitalization. Third, increased hospitalization disrupted performance at the problem-solving tasks, but not at the verbal intelligence test-replicating the previous results from laboratory studies of learned helplessness and suggesting that the deficits of our subjects were not a general deterioration but instead a more specific difficulty with new learning (Rap s et al. 1982). Fourth, increased hospitalization produced increased depressive symptoms that covaried with poor performance both across and within conditions. This pattern suggests again that perceptions of helplessness caused the observed deficits, since depression involves a diminished sense of efficacy (Raps et al. 1982). Faulkner (2001) set out to investigate the relevance of learned helplessness and learned mastery theories in the respective development of dependence and independence in older hospitalized people. Faulkners experiment shows how an exposure to uncontrollable or disempowering circumstances potentially places patients at risk of developing learned helplessness. This condition has the potential to retard self-care performance in the absence of supervision, direction, or active personal assistance thus rendering patients dependent (Faulkner 2001). Moreover, this dependence may not remain specific to the task within which LH was induced, but may generalize to affect patient performance in other activities. To date the accepted scale to use when measuring learned helplessness is the LHS scale developed by Quinless and McDermott-Nelson. A conceptual definition is necessary in order to further explore this phenomenon. Learned helpless can be defined by a state in which a person thinks that they cannot control their own destiny and the life experiences which happen to them. This definition incorporates the key elements found throughout the research: loss of control, depression, low self-esteem, pessimism, and defeat. Learned helplessness can have the potential for explaining some variation in patient satisfaction scores. In order to further explore how the two are interrelated, an investigation into patient satisfaction must be employed. Patient satisfaction: With the effectiveness of medical care being increasingly measured according to economic as well as clinical criteria, the inclusion of patients opinions in assessments of services has gained greater prominence over the past 25 years (Sitzia Wood 1997). As health care budgets come under scrutiny, so consumers in the West have become more critical of the health care provided, organizing and claiming rights as active participants in the planning and evaluation of health services (Sitzia Wood 1997). An increase in interpersonal relationship interest sparked the development for a need to understand the patient-physician relationship which gave rise to patient satisfaction measurement. Consumer advocate groups such as the National Consumer Council produced Patients rights, which influenced the rise of consumerism in healthcare. The term patients rights became the rallying cry for Patients to have more control and say about the care that was extended to them. What then determines what pa tient satisfaction is? Linder-Pelz (1982) approached a definition of patient satisfaction through five social-psychological variables proposed as probable determinants of patient satisfaction with health care. These are outlined as: Occurrences-the event which actually takes place, and perhaps more importantly, the individuals perception of what occurred; valueevaluation, in terms of good or bad, of an attribute or an aspect of a health care encounter; expectationsbeliefs about the probability of certain attributes being associated with an event or object, and the perceived probable outcome of that association; interpersonal comparisonsan individuals rating of the health care encounter by comparing it with all such encounters known to or experienced by him or her; and entitlementan individuals belief that s/he has proper, accepted grounds for seeking or claiming a particular outcome. Ware et al. (1983) gives a more definitive taxonomy with eight dimensions: interpersonal mannerfeatu res of the way in which providers interact personally with patients (e.g. respect, concern, friendliness, courtesy); technical quality of carecompetence of providers and adherence to high standards of diagnosis and treatment (e.g. thoroughness, accuracy, unnecessary risks, making mistakes); accessibility/conveniencefactors involved in arranging to receive medical care (e.g. waiting times, ease of reaching provider); financesfactors involved in paying for medical services; efficacy/outcomes of carethe results of services provided (e.g. improvements in or maintenance of health); continuity of careconstancy in provider or location of care; physical environmentfeatures of setting in which care is delivered (e.g. clarity of signs and directions, orderly facilities and equipment, pleasantness of atmosphere); and availabilitypresence of medical care resources (e.g. enough medical facilities and providers). CMS has mandated the HCAHPS measures of patient perception of quality of care as a c ondition of Medicare participation (Griffith White 2007). CMS (Medicare) states the supplier shall conduct beneficiary satisfaction surveys and make the results available upon request and/or listed on their Internet website (if applicable). The supplier shall document and review on a quarterly basis a percentage of beneficiaries satisfied with services. These surveys include questions that are divided into five groups: Your care from nurses, Your care from Doctors, The hospital environment, Your experiences in the Hospital, When you left the Hospital, Overall rating of the Hospital, and Demographic questions. These questions must be incorporated into commercial patient satisfaction surveys and publicly reported. In some cases referring physicians may act as agents for their patients and are concerned with clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction and cost. This is important because if they are not satisfied with their patients responses, they may divert their patients elsewhere. However there are some concerns for those that dont buy into patient satisfaction scores. These fall into the category of social-psychological artifacts. LeVois et al. (1981) states that Social desirability response bias argues that patients may report greater satisfaction than they actually feel because they believe positive comments are more acceptable to survey administrators. Similarly, ingratiating response bias occurs when patients use the satisfaction survey to ingratiate themselves with researchers or medical staff, especially if there are any reservations over the anonymity of respondents (Sitzia Wood 1997). Why then study patient satisfaction? Typically patient satisfaction surveys are after the services have been rendered and the patient has left the hospital or physicians office. Most of the surveys use a 5 point Likert scale with 5 indicating excellent or highly satisfied and 1 being poor or highly dissatisfied. Most managers think that getting an average of 4s is very good or good enough and trying to achieve a 5 rating is too costly or time consuming. This is not the case. Many managers also think that they should focus on unsatisfied customers but research has shown that no matter how much time, effort, and money they invest, there will always be a small percentage of patients that are dissatisfied. Managers should then focus on moving those four ratings to fives. When it comes to customer loyalty, excellent has a different meaning from the other rating categories (Otani et al. 2009). Highly satisfied customers are the ones that are loyal and return for their next encounter or recommend others to the same physician o r facility. This usually comprises of about 75% of the physicians business so it is imperative that they keep this group happy and highly satisfied. In an emerging competitive market such as healthcare, managers should focus on achieving excellent ratings to distinguish their organization from others (Otani et al. 2009). Patients that are merely satisfied will seek care elsewhere and look for other providers. Even though the cost of switching hospitals is quite high, patients have more choices now than they did in previous eras. What are some other reasons to highly satisfy these patients? Satisfied patients tend to comply with prescribed medical treatments (Ford, Bach Fottler 1997). Due to an increase in chronic conditions, it is more imperative that patients follow the treatment process prescribed. This can reduce length of stays and lower readmission rates thus reducing costs. Also, it decreases switching. When a patient changes physicians, he or she may be required to retake te sts, which increases the patients costs and may hurt the patient (Otani et al 2009). Another factor is patient satisfaction is now considered a key part of the healthcare quality improvement initiative (Shortell and Kaluzny 2000). Many managed care organizations use patient satisfaction data to determine reimbursement rates to healthcare providers, and many leading companies will not contract with health plans that do not require a patient satisfaction survey. Providers with positive patient satisfaction survey results may receive more financial incentives than providers with poor patient satisfaction survey results (Kongstvedt 2001). In addition a 1 standard deviation point increase in the quality of pt/physician interaction equals a 35% lower chance of a patient complaint for the primary care physician, and a 50% lower chance of a patient complaint for a specialist (Saxton et al. 2008). Saxton (2008) also reports that a one standard deviation decrease in patient satisfaction equal s a five percent increase in the physicians risk management. Compared to physicians in top satisfaction scores: Physicians in middle 1/3 of scores had malpractice lawsuit rates 26% higher while Physicians in bottom 1/3 of scores had malpractice lawsuit rates of 110% higher. According to Saxton (2008) the top five patient priorities are: Response to concerns/complaints during stay, Degree to which hospital staff addressed patients emotional needs, Staff effort to include patient in decisions about their treatment, How well the nurses kept the patient informed, and Promptness in responding to the call button by the patient. One issue not investigated thoroughly is the billing activities of the hospital or caregiver. Richard Clarke, HFMA CEO and President has stated the best care, and great customer service provided during the patients hospital encounter can be destroyed quickly by confusing, complicated, or incorrect billing afterwards (Swayne et al. 2008). According to Swayne (2008, the top five hospital bill features that irritate customers the most are: confusion about what the patients insurance company has paid, confusion about the balance the patient owes the hospital once the insurance company pays its share, use of medical terminology that the patient does not understand, sending a bill to the patient before the insurance company has processed the patients claims, and inability to determine exactly what services the hospital has provided and what the patient is being charged for the service. Follow-on activities are also another area that the physician or caregiver can alter patient satisfaction scores. Many providers think that once the patient is out the door the experience ends there. After a patient has been seen by a physician or is leaving the hospital after surgery, there is a likely need for further services: a child with an ear infection has to return in 10 days for another check-up to make sure the infection is no longer present; after hip surg ery a patient may need to be relocated to a rehabilitation facility to learn to walk again (Swayne 2008). All of these additional services are value adding service activities. All of these factors play a role in learned helplessness as the patient may become frustrated by not having an excellent experience throughout the visit or after the visit. Proposed study: This paper shall utilize the current learned helplessness scale (LHS) and apply it to see how it moderates patient satisfaction scores. Method of study: The proposed model for this study is: Patient Satisfaction Scores Internal State of patient Patient Experience Learned helplessness Learned helplessness This research was consistent with the often used S-O-R paradigm. This paradigm assumes that environments contain stimuli (Ss) that cause changes to peoples internal or organismic states (Os), which in turn cause approach or avoidance responses (Rs) (Mehrabian and Russell 1974). It is anticipated that higher levels of learned helplessness will negatively impact patient satisfaction scores. The area most anticipated are those consistent with loss of control in fulfilling the needs of the patient, like care from the nurses, care from the physician especially in information sharing, and billing issues from either the hospital or the insurance company. The construct will be viewed as a moderator. In general terms, a moderator is a qualitative (e.g., sex, race, class) or quantitative (e.g., level of reward) variable that affects the direction and/or strength of the relation between an independent or predictor variable and a dependent or criterion variable. Specifically within a correlation al analysis framework, a moderator is a third variable that affects the zero-order correlation between two other variables. In the more familiar analysis of variance (ANOVA) terms, a basic moderator effect can be represented as an interaction between a focal independent variable and a factor that specifies the appropriate conditions for its operation. (Baron Kenny 1986). Data collection: Data collection shall be the most challenging facet of this study. It is important to gather rich data that will either support or disprove the theory that learned helplessness lowers patient satisfaction scores. A large enough sample is to be gathered in order to fully demonstrate this phenomenons capability. The LHS will be distributed along with the chosen hospitals patient satisfaction survey and patients will be asked to complete them. It may be necessary to delay the distribution of the survey so the patient has ample time to be contacted or experience learned helplessness form billing issues that may arise. After a sufficient number of surveys have been returned to the author, statistical regression methods will be employed to assess statistical significance as it relates to learned helplessness and patient satisfaction scores. Different factors can be cross-tabulated to see if there are any generalized effects on the scores like age, race, financial, and educational positions . Model fit could be assessed using SEM or other methods to ensure proper allocation and model assessment. Limitations As stated before data collection shall be difficult in performing this study. Hospitals may be reluctant to allow a researcher, independent of the organization, access to their patients and their satisfaction data. This reluctance could be over a variety of factors including patient privacy, fear of inappropriate scores released to the public, and a general distrust for academic research. It may be necessary to conduct this study as a joint venture so the hospital may learn from this study as well as the researcher. Another limitation is patient recall. This is always a factor since consumer recall plays a role in remembering perceptions, actions, and behaviors that occurred in the hospital or caregivers office. Since billing is an issue with learned helplessness, the delay in presenting the surveys may affect memory recall. The last limitation may be that of the construct being studied itself. Since there is little research on learned helplessness as it relates to patient satisfacti on or patient experience it may be difficult to determine how strong a score on the LHS scale must be to fully realize an effect on patient satisfaction. Conclusion: This paper has outlined the construct of learned helplessness and how it potentially could interact with patient satisfaction scores. Patient satisfaction scores are of the upmost importance to hospitals and caregivers as it affects their quality ratings, their allocation from CMS, and their reputation in general. While this project is a major undertaking, the author feels that it is worthy of such time and effort as patients and caregivers seek to further understand the patient experience in healthcare settings. This paper has outlined a course of action and while this project needs to be further investigated, it lays the necessary framework for a study worthy of journal submission. Future research could fully implicate different ways that learned helplessness is formed in different healthcare settings allowing for richer analysis into how patients react to different perceived outcomes. Hospitals and caregivers should be able to use information from this study to redesign their pati ent satisfaction surveys to allow them to gather richer data and use this to improve satisfaction scores which ultimately affect the bottom line. In this new age of healthcare reform, it is imperative that healthcare organization strive in every effort to raise the bar of patient outcomes, not only physical outcomes but mental outcomes as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

War of 1812 :: American America History

War of 1812 War of 1812, conflict between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815. Fought over the maritime rights of neutrals, it ended inconclusively. Background Over the course of the French revolutionary and the Napoleonic wars between France and Great Britain (1793-1815), both belligerents violated the maritime rights of neutral powers. The United States, endeavoring to market its own produce, was especially affected. To preserve Britain's naval strength, Royal Navy officers impressed thousands of seamen from U.S. vessels, including naturalized Americans of British origin, claiming that they were either deserters or British subjects. The United States defended its right to naturalize foreigners and challenged the British practice of impressment on the high seas. Relations between the two nations reached a breaking point in 1807 when the British frigate Leopard fired on the USS Chesapeake in American territorial waters and removed, and later executed, four crewmen. In addition, Britain issued executive orders in council to blockade the coastlines of the Napoleonic empire and then seized vessels bound for Europe that did not first call at a British port. Napoleon retaliated with a similar system of blockades under the Berlin and Milan decrees, confiscating vessels and cargoes in European ports if they had first stopped in Britain. Collectively, the belligerents seized nearly 1500 American vessels between 1803 and 1812, thus posing the problem of whether the United States should go to war to defend its neutral rights. Americans at first prepared to respond with economic coercion rather than war. At the urging of President Thomas Jefferson, Congress passed the Embargo Act of 1807, prohibiting virtually all U.S. ships from putting to sea. Subsequent enforcement measures in 1808-1809 also banned overland trade with British and Spanish possessions in Canada and Florida. Because the legislation seriously harmed the U.S. economy and failed to alter belligerent policies, it was replaced in 1809 by the Non-Intercourse Act, which forbade trade with France and Britain. In 1810 Macon's Bill No. 2 reopened American trade with all nations, but stipulated that if one belligerent repealed its antineutral measures, the United States would then impose an embargo against the other. In August Napoleon announced the repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees on the understanding that the United States would also force Britain to respect its neutral rights. Although Napoleon continued to seize American vessels in French ports, President James Madison accepted his statements as proof that French antineutral decrees had been lifted.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Waiting for the Bus - Original Writing :: Papers

Waiting for the Bus - Original Writing It was about 8 o'clock in the evening, it was been raining for a very long time; the atmosphere around is so miserable; the air is so heavy as if it's filled with lead and the surroundings are dull and lifeless as if it was the darkest corner on earth. A middle aged man with tattoos all over his body smoking a cigar is being interviewed by a female doctor in a psychiatric hospital. While preparing the apparatus, the young lady tells him about the procedure:" This conversation will be recorded, as many others before it, do you understand Peter? Would you like to tell me about your dreams?" In this depressing room, with dull lights, you can only see the still outline of the two people, as if they are mysterious statues sat there staring at each other. After a while the man takes a deep breath and begins to talk."Every night for all the three months that I have been kept here, I have had the same bizarre dream, the screams of which have been waking everyone up at night". There was a pause during which the young psychiatrist was looking desperately into the madman's eyes and him looking away as if ashamed of something. "My dreams get longer each night"- whispered the patient in a distressed voice. The conversation was ended there and then; Peter never said a word until his next meeting with the psychiatrist. Every time they met their chat got them one step closer to the patient's dream. Spring was approaching; the weather gradually began to change from cold and rainy to sunny and cheerful. These were the first few days it has been like this. It was like a new start for Peter; the weather was divine and precious, he could not get enough of it, it seemed like it gave him power and superiority over every one else. As the days grew longer, so did the conversations the psychiatrist and the man had. It was an ordinary day and as usual Peter was having a 5 o'clock

Friday, October 11, 2019

Laura Wingfield

Laura Wingfield is, in many ways, the pivotal character of the play.   She is the central figure upon which the thematic nuances of fragility and misconception play out.   In fact, Laura is the character about which all the characters possess some misconception.   On the whole, this misconception revolves around her perceived weakness, a notion everyone adopts and fails to question even in her moments of will.   Hence, her reputation as weak becomes more a taxing factor than any actual weakness of her own. Throughout the play, Laura comes from symbolize the fragility of the glass menagerie, and yet her character reveals itself to be less of the transparent and delicate (at least in terms of breaking), and more of the fibrous and compassionate.   She cries over her brother’s unhappiness, holds fast to her love for Jim, and walked for hours in the cold to avoid typing class in her younger years. Still, however, characters misjudge her.   Amanda, her mother, thinks she can relive her youth vicariously through Laura.   Tom and Jim maintain a notion of her as some exotic bird, or perhaps the glass unicorn she possesses. Perhaps the most striking detail illustrating misconception of her is apparent in her moniker, â€Å"blue roses†.   Infatuated with Jim in high school, she explains a prolonged absence from class as owing to pleurosis.   He mistakes the name of the disease for â€Å"blue roses†, which becomes his nickname for her. Laura has the least lines of the play, only furthering her image as a selfless and isolate character.   She stands in dramatic contrast to the selfishness of the rest of her family, who seem to play out their psychological imperatives almost entirely unconscious of their effect on other people.   The fact that Laura does not participate in the inequities of the other characters, sets her apart.   She remains the play’s most enigmatical figure.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hardware reveiw Essay

Hardware is the physical part of the computer which you can actually touch. Software on the other hand is the part of the computer that you cannot touch. There are many different examples of hardware within a computer system including   Keyboards Printers   Scanners Monitors Disk drives   Computer towers When making my logo their where many different hardware that I used when making my logo. These include input, output and processing devises. The input device I used to make my logo was a keyboard. A keyboard is the main input devise attached to the computer. It allows you to enter text and numbers that will appear on the computer screen. A keyboard is made up of keys that are separate (as you can see in the picture below). These keys represent numbers and letter of the alphabet. An image of a keyboard There are many different advantages for using a keyboard when making my logo and my ID card including it will allow me to type the name of the Kingsbury health centre and it also allows me to type in the name of the workers on their ID card. It will also help my logo look more professional if I type the name of the health centre. Another advantage for using a keyboard is that it is simple and easy to use and I know how to use it. I could not find any disadvantages for using a keyboard when making my logo, Id card, database or user manual however if you are typing up a long piece of work it could damage you back if you use a keyboard for too long. Another advantage for using the keyboard when making my database and my user manual is that it allows me to type in the information I want to appear on the screen. Another input device I used when making my logo was a mouse. This is a hand operated devise that allows you to control the curser that appears on the screen. It also allows you to move things and to click on things on the computer screen. On the bottom of the mouse of most mousse is a ball that rolls when you move it. An image of two computer mouse’s The advantages for using a mouse when making my logo are that it allows me to easily move images around on my logo. This will ensure that that my logo is exactly as I want it to be. Another advantage for using a mouse to make the logo is that the mouse is simple and easy to use. The disadvantages for using this type of mouse when making my logo is that it easily break when it falls on the floor. This is because the ball in the back of the mouse falls out. It would probably be better if I use the newer mouse. The output devise that I could use to make my logo is a laser printer. A laser printer is a printer that produces high quality text and graphics. It does this by using a laser beam technology to produce an image on a photosensitive drum. An image of a laser The advantages for using a laser printer to print of my logo are that a laser printer prints of better quality images than the inkjet printer. Another advantage for using the laser printer is that it can print off colour images which I need because I want to print of my logo in colour. In addition, another advantage for using the laser printer to print of my logo is that it prints of quicker and quieter than the other printers. The disadvantages for using the laser printer o print of my logo are that it will be very expensive to buy a laser printer. Another output device I used when making my logo is the TFT monitor. TFT monitor is an output devise that displays signals on the computer screen. A TFT is a flat computer monitor, which gives high quality images on the screen and is modern. An image of a TFT monitor The advantages for using a TFT monitor is that it does not give of glare that CRT monitors do give off. This means that if I use this monitor for long periods of time it is less likely to hurt my eyes. Another advantage for using the TFT monitor when making my logo are that it will give off high quality images on the computer screen. This will make my logo look better. A disadvantage for using the TFT monitor when making my logo is that it is very expensive to buy a TFT monitor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Education System India Essay

Education is a co-current state level subjects and under the Indian Constitution education is made a Fundamental Right and Directive Principles of State Policy further needed free education and other facilities to children. There is no discrimination among the people on the basis of religion, caste or creed/faith etc. However, the minorities are given right to run their own educational institutions with financial aid from Government and they are free to introduce their religion, language in their institution. Education is compulsory and free upto primary standard. Indian education system has a wide structure and the educational institutions can introduce the education or learning pattern as below VA years in pre-nursery schools, in the primary schools upto V class or so. Education is further upgraded upto 10+2 system where the examinations are conducted by the Board at 10 and 12. Thereafter, students are free to choose the courses of their own at any stage, i.e. primary, secondary, s enior secondary level. Schools are of different levels. Local Boards run the schools upto Primary, V standard, both in mother tongue and English medium. Thereafter the schools may upgrade themselves upto X known as Secondary schools. They can also be upgraded upto 12, called Senior Secondary schools. The education is a co-current (state level) subject and the Central Government cannot interfere in their functioning. As such schools are pre- primary, pre-nursery, then primary, secondary and senior secondary run both by the private bodies as well as by Government. Indian schools are not as well organised as they are expected. Private/Public school charge high fee and have control on their institution. They only need the registration by the Centre/State Government or their Bodies and Management. While the Education Department has a loose control over these Private/ Public Schools government has its own schools where the normal fee is charged and the students belong with poor section of society. Overall the condition of government schools is pathetic. At state level School Education has its own organisational set up. Under this democratic set up Education Deptt is supported by the Minister of Education who has a Secretary of Education to supervise the Department with the help of Director Education who belongs to I.A.S. cadre of service. The Department is further divided into districts Deputy, Joint Directors to look after the working of schools. Under the educational system Central Board Secondary Education (C.B.S.E) is set up to maintain, the quality in Education and provide minimum qualification of the teaching staff and other necessary requirement for the school and conduct the Exams 10 and 12 standard. It has a control over both Public Private and Government Schools. After the exam; issues certificates of 10th and 12th class/standard this student who passed the Examination. C B.S.E. has its office in New Delhi. Under the Education system to keep the hi standard of Education and to maintain to quality Education an independent body is set up known N.C.E.R.T. that is National Council of Educatio n Research and Training with its Headquarters at N Delhi. This institution published textbooks for t school on all subjects and has a panel of specialists its list. The books are to be taught at schools in t country. It also conducts the competitive examination at all India level for the talent search from primary lei upto graduation and provides stipend or sponsors to that highly talented students. Teachers are the backbone of the educational system in India. Government has set up a permanent body for the selection of the teachers known as N.C.T. i.e. National Council of Teachers Education. It conducts the training and selection of the teachers and provides certificate/degree for the teachers which are an essential qualification for the teachers who seek the employment in teaching schools known as B.Ed, or Shastri education. MIEPA in set up by the Government to look after the administration and planning of education in the country the body is known as National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration. It looks ail the work of the educational /teaching/administration under the ministry of HRD an autonomous body. Kendriya Vidyalay Organisation (KVO) was set up under the Education Ministry, Government of India, New Delhi. It established 10+2 system in schools all over the country for the Government employees who use to effect posted or transferred in the country. It is good for the Central Government employees and schools are run on the medium of English from primary to twelfth standard. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) are set up in all the states to look after the training and research work on the lines of NCERT which is at all India level. Its refresher courses, even modifies the curriculum of the schools and textbooks arc written for the secondary level standard in the state. It also arranges seminars, discusses and refresher courses for the teaching staff. There are a number of educational institutions at the District level. A Distt. Officer/ Inspector of schools looks after the educational institutions in his/her district. He/She also coordinates the different activities upto the Commissioner, State level in each district. Under this scheme, a college (Inter) 10+2 on the Government expenses is to be spent in each District and other schools are under his observation. Besides, a training centre for Primary teachers, or other refresher courses also opened in the district. The recruitment institute for the teachers, examination centers and the Boards offices are also on the line, such as Minorities schools. Local educational institutions play an important role in the area of education. As our country is poor and cannot afford the heavy expenses of Educational institutions, local education body’s arc allowed opening their schools and Government recognizes these institutions at par with the Government institutions. Minority institutions have their own schools with their own expenses or Government grants in-aid. But they fill the gap and help the Government to reduce its burden.