Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Personal Writing: The Evaluation Of My Coaches Essay -- essays researc

Personal Writing The Evaluation of My Coaches     Throughout my high school basketball career I experienced several diametric coaches. Every new coach brought a different approach to coaching.The varying techniques of coaching brought about different attitudes andexpectations during practices and games. I found that during practice, coacheshad either the nice-guy or the drill serjeant-at-law approach. They also had differentmethods of coaching during and after the games.     Practices are very important to basketball. If you practice great(p) andtake it seriously, your team can become successful. All of my coaches in highschool took practices seriously. I basically had two different types of coacheswhen it came to practice. There was the drill sergeant type, which had the teamline up in the same place every day to do our calisthenics before each practice.The team captain stood confront the rest of the team and lead us in variousstretches an d other warm-ups. The coach was very strict. No horse play orunnecessary lecture or anything else we knew would cast the coach mad. Coachwould have us do drills having to do with the plays we ran during the game. Ifwe made a mistake coach would stop us and make an example of whoever messed up.He would say, "Did everyone see what Bryan just did? That is what you shouldnot do." He would then gripe a little and after that we would continue ourpractice. I feel that this method...

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