Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Report - Essay Example at the inspection exercise is successful, and assists the organization to offer superior products and services which will effectively and efficiently meet the needs of the customers. The rapidly growing population of people in Mount Union University, and surrounding areas, has lead to the increased demand of food services. Even though the demand for the food services is high, stakeholders of Mount Union University have a common agreement that the quality should never be compromised. These stakeholders include; the local authority, the universities administration, ministry in charge of public health and nutrition, local residents association, and the students body. Therefore, there is need to expand the capacity of major food services provider in the region like the AVI Food Systems Inc. There is also need to ensure that the food services providers meet the expected health, safety and quality standards. Meeting these standards will lead to customer satisfaction, in addition to health and nutritional benefits. The purpose of site inspection at AVI Food Systems Inc entails six main areas. Firstly, the capacity of the facility to expand should be described. This will ensure that the facilities accommodate more customers in future. Secondly, the health standards of the site should be enhanced further. This entails putting in place superior waste management facilities and practices. High standards of cleanliness should further be maintained. This will ensure adherence to proper public health requirements. Thirdly, the increased customer number calls for enhanced safety within the premises of AVI Food Systems Inc. This entails provision of safety equipment and programs. Fourth, the quality of food should be improved, to ensure satisfaction of the swelling customer numbers. Fifth, an effective Restaurant information System should be installed to ensure effective communication between customers and the facility’s staffs. Lastly, the staffs of AVI Food System Inc should

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