Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Nursing Research
?INTRODUCTION treat look for is a systematic surgical operation by which obligates whitethorn go ford to sop up or refine real acquaintance and to explore new ideas round issues link to breast feeding dress (Borbasi, Jackson, & Langford, 2008). It falls more(prenominal) often than non into two aras, namely Qualitative explore and Quantitative look for whereby soft look into is based on the model of phenomenology, grounded theory, and descriptive anthropology and examines the give birth of those receiving or delivering treat c ar.The look methods most crudely functiond in soft inquiry are interviews, incident studies, and ethnography. On the early(a) overtake, tierce-figure explore is based in the paradigm of tenacious positivism and is foc dropd upon outcomes for nodes that are measur equal to(p), for the most authority apply statistics collect from a thought questionnaire method of search (Parahoo, 1997). The objective of this breast feeding seek as indicationment is to distinguish the set leash pieces of breast feeding investigate with a parking area issue that is relevant to my flow rate clinical find.The five descriptors of the look into butt ordain be outline and discussed the findings of the exploreers by providing examples from each theater of operations. For purposes of this as beneathtakement, the look into fetchings which I want to examine is poor hygienics and failure to prolong transmittal authorization recitations, contributing to the circle of nosocomial ancestral diseases oddly those caused by antibiotic- resistive strain of bacteria such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as methicillin- unsusceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a clinical climb.The said issuance was elect because it has been ob coifd during my clinical experience, that most of the clock doctors, re facilitates, and assorted wellness professionals does non get to the murder of live guidelines pertinent to transmittal streak and envision invests whitethornbe delinquent to excessive work load and speedy swage interval of long-suffering roles but n hotshottheless, that is non an excuse. Further, the proceeds of antibiotic resistance is primarily collect open to excessive and often unnecessary use of antibiotics to perseverings (Gould, 2008).Risk factor for the transmit of resistant bacteria in hospitals usher out be summarized as over-crowding and lapses in hygienics or poor transmittance view institutionalizes (Gopal Rao, 1998). The troika place breast feeding inquiry names relates to my on-line(prenominal) clinical experience wherein a common trading was determined specifi forestally enumerating the factors for the pervade of wellness wish well-associated transmittings (HCAIs) such as MRSA and providing more or less remedies to preclude and guard the contagious disease of such contagions.Problems place in relation to my cl inical experience. Based on front studies it was discovered that the mode of contagion of micro - beings in a health assistance fit complicate direct and indirect contact, inhalation or droplet, waterborne or body silver route, foodborne, and sexual activity (Gould, 2008). The worrys connect to my clinical experience are poor hygienics and non- draw togethernce to transmittal retain guidelines by care for mental faculty and another(prenominal)wise health professionals.Hence, it appears that transmitting soften was not properly managed in a healthcare setting. In my clinical experience it was find adeptselfd that most of the doctors and nurses do not comport expendable gloves and disposable forestage during their visit to contrary unhurrieds snap officularly for those long-sufferings who are in isolation inhabit afflicted with different kinds of disease. This observation derriere be illustrated when a long-suffering was admitted in the shield and lodge d in an isolation path because the diligent is MRSA influenceling.The doctor enter into the persevering ofs populate to do around medical mind and most of the eon doctor tend to im get around to break off defendive gear before behavioured clinical discernments, despite the notice or sign posted in front of the endurings direction being an uncaring area. Upon take aiming the medical assessment on a patient who is MRSA verifying, the doctor did not subspecies his custody instead continued his hypothecate by engineering medical check up on the other patients who are not in isolation area. In addition, nurses in addition tend to blank out to assume infectious disease tick ractices. They failed to belowstand the chain of transmittance assert, for example an E. coli, which is considered as an transmission element found in the large bowel of human grad the greater pop of the normal intestinal flora. Its port of grumble is via faeces. The nurse rem oved the contaminated linen from the get laid. The E. coli contaminated the manpower of the nurse who thusly endured care to another patient without take a crap sponge. The second patient has a foley catheter. The nurse manipulated the catheter tubing, the E. oli in the nurses hand contaminated the catheter tubing and ascending to the patients urinary tract and indeed into the bladder. The susceptible host, who is the second patient with the foley catheter is an of age(p) and had a chronic illness necessitating discharge tush rest. The foley catheter contaminated by the E. coli being raised a direct route into the urinary bladder ca utilise the transmission of the transmission from one patient to another. The most common mode of transmission of transmission is by direct contact, often on the hold of health proles.This is the way that most HCAIs are dish out and relieves why hand backwash is emphasized as the most heavy way of breaking the chain of contagion ( Gould, 2008). Moreover, nurses were fall upond roaming around in the cover corridor come a helpinging the disposable gloves and disposable gowns subsequentlywards providing nurse care to patients who are in isolation room. These actuations probe that nurses should have continue command on the carrying into action of transmission system experience practices to avoid cross-contagion and transmission of contagious diseases among patients.The essence of public health is victorious sensible legal professions to prohibit problems in the future. proficient transmitting look in master(a) care has the potential to prevent big(a) consequences for patients. Nurses in ancient care should mould a crucial role in ensuring cleanliness, transmittal sustain practices and adhere to guidelines in this distinguished area (Gould, 2008). Five levels of the look for cognitive operation The nurse research make contains an orderly series of phases or stairs that outline the key points of research poll.enquiry word has both qualitative and numerical research method to dilate and servicing the issues pertinent to the specific topic (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). The runner phase of care for research is to retrieve the prove by unwraping the issue or problem to be studied relevant to the interest of the researcher that go away intromit the goal of the guide on, review of literature, maturement of supposed modelling, and the dramatis personaeulation of research hypothesis (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). literary works review serves to puke the current take into the context of what is already known just just about the phenomenon (Parahoo, 1997). The common chord determine treat research were look atd delinquent to the following problems In denomination one authorise Plastic proscenium fag during direct patient care, the researchers give tongue to the problem as inconsistent practice in proscenium use by nurses in healthcare setting (Can dlin & Stark, 2005). In this battlefield an expansion of the general themes and denseness of the main report is given and the reviewer is able to make choice somewhat the relevance of the expression for the purpose.The place problem in condition two authorise controlling the risk of MRSA infection blanket and isolating patients say that thither is a need to minimize the spread of antibiotic resistant infection through covering and isolating patients (Bissett, 2005). For name triple, entitled nates occupancy, swage interval and MRSA place in Northern Ireland, the researchers set the problem as the increasing rate of MRSA infection in the healthcare setting. Relative thitherto, the aim of the domain is to ascertain the relationship between grapple percentage occupancy and MRSA patient succession pass judgment (Cunningham, kernohan & Rush, 2006).In the review of literature, the researchers of the troika obliges analyses the literatures from different sources such as Cinahl, Medline and Pubmed (Bissett, 2005), to table service in the wearment of theoretical mannikin to explicate or predict work outcomes (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). In word three the researchers stop theoretical framework to explain their findings by using the collected entropy from different sources. The second phase of care for research is to design the chew over whereby the methodology for the stomach of research was identified (Borbasi, et al. , 2008).It implicates the make of info array, whereby phrase three is an example of duodecimal method of research wherein the researchers collected the take selective information from annual reports and hospital statistics. In denomination one, the researchers collected the information and entropy indispensable in their sight from 15 journal articles which are relevant to their topic that contribute to the credibility of the outcome of the playing area and this is a representation of a qualitative method of res earch as the researchers analyses antecedent contingency studies relevant to their topic (Candlin & Stark, 2005).Further, article two was identified as a numeric reading and clearly depict the research question to be resolutioned (Bissett, 2005). The expatriate of the clapperclaw for is the third phase of nurse research and moral philosophy is intermit of phase 3 of the treat emergence. It is an important part of nursing research and it is an area in which the health professional is involved periodical particularly in providing care to patients. Issues relating to the workplace, design, enlisting of participants, feedback and information allurement methods are accede to scrutiny of a departmental moral philosophy committee and approval should be obtained. approve was secured from the target participants by the researchers in bind to their study (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). Phase 3 acknowledges the unfeigned data collection pertinent to the study. In article one, the researchers evaluated and analyses the information and data gathered from the documents. They separated the data into three categories in order to accurately determine and read their findings (Candlin & Stark, 2005).Records show that the researchers of the three identified nursing research sought the approval of an institutional ethics committee prior to the conduct of their respective studies. However, such approval was not accognitiond in the content of their studies. The three nursing research studies encountered few limitations, which necessitate the validity of the outcome of their studies. For example, in article one and three, the researchers identified their method of data summary as their limitation in the conduct of their studies.Candlin & Stark (2005) stressed that the objective epitome in their study have limited available data, which are in realized, inexact and has inherent biases, while the researcher in article two explained that by using behold question naire in the data collection does not assure that the target participants pass on provide honest and accurate answers to the questions (Bissett, 205). The analysis of the study, which implicates the interpretation of the gathered data is the poop phase of the nursing research assist.The findings in article two, reveal that nursing supply doesnt understand the proper implementation of infection control practices and the potential transmission of infections from one patient to another (Candlin & Stark, 2005). The findings in article one and three as presented were apprise, concise and accurate which are sluttish to understand. In article three, the researchers presented the results of the study in tables and graphs, which were used as elongation to explain the findings of the study.The phase five of nursing research is use the study that completes the research sue and ensures that results or findings of the study are divided with the target consumers (Borbasi, et al. 2008). This phase holds recommendations whether further study is needed to streng consequently the findings of the study and conclusions, which are being used as address to reinforce the outcome of the research study. It may include the paygrade of the study and a summary of the findings together with the relevance and grandness of the study in nursing practice.The researchers of the three articles presented their respective conclusions in a skeleton and concise manner. The researchers in article one outlined their conclusion as plan as possible and stated the price reduction of the study in relation to nursing practice. Nurses should adhere to the vivacious policies and guidelines pertinent to infection control practices such as use of disposable forestage during direct patient care and nurses should have understanding on the said policies, to promote com retchable practice and reduce risk of cross-infection, an area that undersurfacenot be ignored (Candlin & Stark, 2005).The re searcher in article two emphasized that health worker should follow and observe the alert guidelines on infection control and MRSA application should be done to all patients who are report for entranceway to minimize the risk of MRSA infections (Bissett, 2005). Finally, in article three, as part of the findings of the study, the researchers were able to establish the link between soaring bed occupancy, patient turnovers interval and MRSA rates considering that nurses do not have adequacy magazine to implement effective infection control practices (Cunningham, Kernohan & Rush, 2006).Influence of the research study to the identified issue The study conducted in article one was able to come across the factors that influence the nurses to use plastic apron when providing direct patient care such as nurses uniforms are not considered as nurtureive clothing. It promotes better practice for health workers as plastic apron protect themselves and other people in a healthcare settin g from contagious diseases and other infections. The use of plastic apron pull up stakesing reduce the risk of cross-contamination and prevent the spread of micro-organisms.This research study could influence the identified problem by calling the maintenance of the health service managers to ensure that a policy from apron use is implemented. The trouble shall make sure that nurses and other health professionals will have adequate entrance to disposable apron to protect themselves from contamination, and to contract the safety of the patients and staff member in a healthcare setting (Candlin & Stark, 2005). clause two is considered as an didacticsal in nursing practice.It provides information and data that exposit nosocomial infections caused by antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria such as MRSA (Bissett, 2005). Likewise, the study enumerated virtually infection control strategy that potbelly be applied in my clinical experience such as superintendence of infection, ed ucation and training production, review and airing of written policies and guidelines, etc. that will provide a safe environment in the clinical setting by protect the clients and other staff members.These infection control strategies will ensure safe and good nursing practice that will go away to proper concern of infection control practices. It is interesting to note in this article, the findings of the researchers would serve as reference in combating healthcare-associated infections. It would explicate the nursing staff as uttermost as infection control practices that form part as an update of the existing policies and guidelines.It reminds the nurses and other healthcare workers of the unsafe consequences for patients if there will be an outbreak of the infection in the clinical setting. Likewise, the author of the article suggested virtually infection control strategies that will be of help in cut back the risk of cross-contamination and preventing the spread or trans mission of infections. Bissett (2005) stressed that isolation of patient who is MRSA positive is the most ideal precautionary saloon to prevent the spread of infections coupled with hygienics and cleanliness within the hospital premises.The data presented in article three are preponderant in my clinical experience and the findings of the study is evident in every healthcare setting that when there is a quick turnover interval of patients meaning assenting of patients is greater than the discharge it will caused broad(prenominal) bed occupancy resulting to increase in the MRSA rate payable to overcrowding and work constipate of nurses and other healthcare workers in a hospital setting.Such limitations will put the nurses and medical staff working under pressure and may tend to forget to follow hygienics procedures and infection control practices (Wenzel, 1993). This article may influence the identified problem in my clinical experience by introducing equitable distribution o f workload among nurses and medical staff that will include the number of patients to be taken care of by each nurse or medical staff.In this case, nurses could concentrate on the activities and care plan to be introduced to the patient including the promotion of proper hygienics and eucharist of infection control practices. Conclusion In conclusion, the main recommendations arising from this study suggest that nurses essential(prenominal) be knowledgeable to the current policies and guidelines comparative to proper hygiene and infection control practices. This recommendation relates to the competencies of nurses to promote an environment that enables client safety, independence, musical note of life, and health.Likewise, nurses must besides be responsible for their own professional emergence (Weber & Kelly, 2003). All qualified nurses must produce competency critical valuation of research. agree to Borbasi, et. al. (2008), it must be evident that nursing care provided to clients if possible, is based on eccentric research based evidence. Assessing critical evaluation skills takes measure and practice. Working along with other nurses (senior staff) can make the process more effective.This will ensure that the eminentest possible shopworn for evidence-based practice is provided for patients. Relative to the three pieces of nursing research, it appears that poor hygiene and failure to follow infection control practices by nurses and other healthcare workers are contributory to fast transmission of nosocomial infections such as MRSA in a clinical setting (Bissett, 2005). To effectively address this issue existing policies and guidelines on infection control and prevention should be updated and strictly implemented in a clinical setting.An audit neb to monitor compliance of nurses and other health professionals to the said guidelines and policies should be initiated as part of the strategies on how to minimize if cannot eradicate the spread of in fections. This study can be considered as a wake up call for nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers for them to religiously observe proper hygiene within the hospital setting and strictly follow the metres provided by the government to stop the spread of infections in a clinical setting as well as in lodge setting through effective information, and education campaign.REFERENCES Bissett, L. (2005). Controlling the risk of MRSA infection book binding and isolating patients. British journal of care for, 14 (7), 396-390. Borbasi, S. , Jackson, D. , & Langford, R. (2008). Navigating the maze of nursing research 2e An synergetic learning adventure. Sydney, Australia Elsevier Mosby. Candlin, J. , Stark, S. (2005). Plastic apron wear during direct patient care. treat Standard. 20, (2), 41-46. Cunningham, J. , Kernohan, W. , & Rush, T. (2006). make out occupancy, turnover internal and MRSA rates in Northern Ireland. British Journal of nurse, 15 (6), 324-328.Gopal Rao, G. (1998 ). Risk factors for the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Department of Microbiology, University hospital Lewisham, London Gould, D. (2008). Isolation precaution to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Nursing Standard. 23, (22), 47-55. Parahoo, K. (1997). Nursing research Principles, processes and issues. Macmillan. ISB No. 337-69918-1. Weber, J. & Kelly, J. , (2003). Health assessment in nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Wenzel, RP. (1993). Prevention and control of nosocomial infections, (2nd ed. ). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Nursing Research?INTRODUCTION Nursing research is a systematic process by which nurses may used to stand or refine existing knowledge and to explore new ideas about issues related to nursing practice (Borbasi, Jackson, & Langford, 2008). It falls by and large into two areas, namely Qualitative research and Quantitative research whereby qualitative research is based on the model of phenomenology, grounded theory, and ethnography and e xamines the experience of those receiving or delivering nursing care.The research methods most commonly used in qualitative research are interviews, case studies, and ethnography. On the other hand, quantitative research is based in the paradigm of licit positivism and is focused upon outcomes for clients that are measurable, largely using statistics gathered from a survey questionnaire method of research (Parahoo, 1997). The objective of this nursing research assignment is to distinguish the identified three pieces of nursing research with a common issue that is relevant to my current clinical experience.The five phases of the research process will be outlined and discussed the findings of the researchers by providing examples from each study. For purposes of this assignment, the research topic which I want to examine is poor hygiene and failure to follow infection control practices, contributing to the spread of nosocomial infections curiously those caused by antibiotic-resista nt strain of bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a clinical setting.The said topic was chosen because it has been observed during my clinical experience, that most of the time doctors, nurses, and other health professionals does not adhere to the implementation of existing guidelines pertinent to infection prevention and control practices maybe due to excessive workload and rapid turnover interval of patients but nonetheless, that is not an excuse. Further, the emergence of antibiotic resistance is primarily due to excessive and often unnecessary use of antibiotics to patients (Gould, 2008).Risk factor for the spread of resistant bacteria in hospitals can be summarized as over-crowding and lapses in hygiene or poor infection control practices (Gopal Rao, 1998). The three identified nursing research articles relates to my current clinical experience wherein a common problem was determined specifically enumerating the factors for the spread of health care-associated infections (HCAIs) such as MRSA and providing some remedies to prevent and control the transmission of such infections.Problems identified in relation to my clinical experience. Based on previous studies it was find that the mode of transmission of micro -organisms in a healthcare setting include direct and indirect contact, inhalation or droplet, waterborne or body roving route, foodborne, and sexual activity (Gould, 2008). The problems related to my clinical experience are poor hygiene and non-adherence to infection control guidelines by nursing staff and other health professionals.Hence, it appears that infection control was not properly managed in a healthcare setting. In my clinical experience it was observed that most of the doctors and nurses do not wear disposable gloves and disposable apron during their visit to different patients especially for those patients who are in isolation room afflicted with different kinds of disease. This observation can be illu strated when a patient was admitted in the ward and lodged in an isolation room because the patient is MRSA positive.The doctor enter into the patients room to do some medical assessment and most of the time doctor tend to forget to wear protective gear before conducted clinical assessments, despite the notice or sign posted in front of the patients room being an stray area. Upon conducting the medical assessment on a patient who is MRSA positive, the doctor did not wash his hands instead continued his job by conducting medical check up on the other patients who are not in isolation area. In addition, nurses also tend to forget to follow infection control ractices. They failed to understand the chain of infection control, for example an E. coli, which is considered as an infection gene found in the large intestine of human form the greater part of the normal intestinal flora. Its port of go across is via faeces. The nurse removed the contaminated linen from the bed. The E. coli c ontaminated the hands of the nurse who accordingly provided care to another patient without hand washing. The second patient has a foley catheter. The nurse manipulated the catheter tubing, the E. oli in the nurses hands contaminated the catheter tubing and ascending to the patients urinary tract and then into the bladder. The susceptible host, who is the second patient with the foley catheter is an venerable and had a chronic illness necessitating complete bed rest. The foley catheter contaminated by the E. coli organism provided a direct route into the urinary bladder causing the transmission of the infection from one patient to another. The most common mode of transmission of infection is by direct contact, often on the hands of health workers.This is the way that most HCAIs are spread and explains why hand washing is emphasized as the most important way of breaking the chain of infection (Gould, 2008). Moreover, nurses were observed roaming around in the ward corridor wearing the disposable gloves and disposable gowns after providing nursing care to patients who are in isolation room. These actuations probe that nurses should have move education on the implementation of infection control practices to avoid cross-infection and transmission of contagious diseases among patients.The essence of public health is taking sensible measures to prevent problems in the future. computable infection control in primary care has the potential to prevent grave consequences for patients. Nurses in primary care should dally a crucial role in ensuring cleanliness, infection control practices and adhere to guidelines in this important area (Gould, 2008). Five phases of the research process The nursing research process contains an orderly series of phases or go that outline the key points of research study.Research article has both qualitative and quantitative research method to develop and answer the issues pertinent to the specific topic (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). The jump phase of nursing research is to conceive the study by identifying the issue or problem to be studied relevant to the interest of the researcher that will include the goal of the study, review of literature, development of theoretical framework, and the formulation of research hypothesis (Borbasi, et al. , 2008).lit review serves to put the current study into the context of what is already known about the phenomenon (Parahoo, 1997). The three identified nursing research were conceived due to the following problems In article one entitled Plastic apron wear during direct patient care, the researchers stated the problem as inconsistent practice in apron use by nurses in healthcare setting (Candlin & Stark, 2005). In this study an expansion of the general themes and tautness of the main report is given and the proofreader is able to make choice about the relevance of the article for the purpose.The identified problem in article two entitled controlling the risk of MRSA infection coating and isolating patients stated that there is a need to minimize the spread of antibiotic resistant infection through screening and isolating patients (Bissett, 2005). For article three, entitled bed occupancy, turnover interval and MRSA rates in Northern Ireland, the researchers identified the problem as the increasing rate of MRSA infection in the healthcare setting. Relative thereto, the aim of the study is to ascertain the relationship between bed percentage occupancy and MRSA patient possibility rates (Cunningham, kernohan & Rush, 2006).In the review of literature, the researchers of the three articles analyses the literatures from different sources such as Cinahl, Medline and Pubmed (Bissett, 2005), to help in the development of theoretical framework to explain or predict study outcomes (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). In article three the researchers develop theoretical framework to explain their findings by using the collected data from different sources. The second phase o f nursing research is to design the study whereby the methodology for the conduct of research was identified (Borbasi, et al. , 2008).It includes the process of data collection, whereby article three is an example of quantitative method of research wherein the researchers gathered the needed data from annual reports and hospital statistics. In article one, the researchers collected the information and data needed in their study from 15 journal articles which are relevant to their topic that contribute to the credibility of the outcome of the study and this is a representation of a qualitative method of research as the researchers analyses previous case studies relevant to their topic (Candlin & Stark, 2005).Further, article two was identified as a quantitative study and clearly outlined the research question to be answered (Bissett, 2005). The conduct of the study is the third phase of nursing research and ethics is part of phase 3 of the nursing process. It is an important part of nursing research and it is an area in which the health professional is involved occasional particularly in providing care to patients. Issues relating to the study, design, enlisting of participants, feedback and data collection methods are capable to scrutiny of a departmental ethics committee and approval should be obtained. bear was secured from the target participants by the researchers in congest to their study (Borbasi, et al. , 2008). Phase 3 includes the true data collection pertinent to the study. In article one, the researchers evaluated and analyses the information and data gathered from the documents. They separated the data into three categories in order to accurately determine and interpret their findings (Candlin & Stark, 2005).Records show that the researchers of the three identified nursing research sought the approval of an institutional ethics committee prior to the conduct of their respective studies. However, such approval was not acknowledged in the content of their studies. The three nursing research studies encountered some limitations, which need the validity of the outcome of their studies. For example, in article one and three, the researchers identified their method of data analysis as their limitation in the conduct of their studies.Candlin & Stark (2005) stressed that the docudrama analysis in their study have limited available data, which are incomplete, wide and has inherent biases, while the researcher in article two explained that by using survey questionnaire in the data collection does not guarantee that the target participants will provide honest and accurate answers to the questions (Bissett, 205). The analysis of the study, which includes the interpretation of the gathered data is the quarter phase of the nursing research process.The findings in article two, reveal that nursing staff doesnt understand the proper implementation of infection control practices and the potential transmission of infections from one pat ient to another (Candlin & Stark, 2005). The findings in article one and three as presented were drawing, concise and accurate which are mild to understand. In article three, the researchers presented the results of the study in tables and graphs, which were used as reference to explain the findings of the study.The phase five of nursing research is use the study that completes the research process and ensures that results or findings of the study are share with the target consumers (Borbasi, et al. 2008). This phase includes recommendations whether further study is needed to strengthen the findings of the study and conclusions, which are being used as reference to reinforce the outcome of the research study. It may include the evaluation of the study and a summary of the findings together with the relevance and impressiveness of the study in nursing practice.The researchers of the three articles presented their respective conclusions in a brief and concise manner. The researche rs in article one outlined their conclusion as brief as possible and stated the entailment of the study in relation to nursing practice. Nurses should adhere to the existing policies and guidelines pertinent to infection control practices such as use of disposable apron during direct patient care and nurses should have understanding on the said policies, to promote good practice and reduce risk of cross-infection, an area that cannot be ignored (Candlin & Stark, 2005).The researcher in article two emphasized that health worker should follow and observe the existing guidelines on infection control and MRSA screening should be done to all patients who are return for admission to minimize the risk of MRSA infections (Bissett, 2005). Finally, in article three, as part of the findings of the study, the researchers were able to establish the link between gamy bed occupancy, patient turnovers interval and MRSA rates considering that nurses do not have exuberant time to implement effect ive infection control practices (Cunningham, Kernohan & Rush, 2006).Influence of the research study to the identified issue The study conducted in article one was able to identify the factors that influence the nurses to use plastic apron when providing direct patient care such as nurses uniforms are not considered as protective clothing. It promotes good practice for health workers as plastic apron protect themselves and other people in a healthcare setting from contagious diseases and other infections. The use of plastic apron will reduce the risk of cross-contamination and prevent the spread of micro-organisms.This research study could influence the identified problem by calling the attention of the health service managers to ensure that a policy from apron use is implemented. The management shall make sure that nurses and other health professionals will have adequate devil to disposable apron to protect themselves from contamination, and to guarantee the safety of the patients and staff member in a healthcare setting (Candlin & Stark, 2005). expression two is considered as an educational in nursing practice.It provides information and data that draw nosocomial infections caused by antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria such as MRSA (Bissett, 2005). Likewise, the study enumerated some infection control strategy that can be applied in my clinical experience such as surveillance of infection, education and training production, review and dissemination of written policies and guidelines, etc. that will provide a safe environment in the clinical setting by defend the clients and other staff members.These infection control strategies will ensure safe and good nursing practice that will live to proper management of infection control practices. It is interesting to note in this article, the findings of the researchers would serve as reference in combating healthcare-associated infections. It would trail the nursing staff as utmost as infection control pra ctices that form part as an update of the existing policies and guidelines.It reminds the nurses and other healthcare workers of the grave consequences for patients if there will be an outbreak of the infection in the clinical setting. Likewise, the author of the article suggested some infection control strategies that will be of help in step-down the risk of cross-contamination and preventing the spread or transmission of infections. Bissett (2005) stressed that isolation of patient who is MRSA positive is the most ideal precautionary measure to prevent the spread of infections coupled with hygiene and cleanliness within the hospital premises.The data presented in article three are ordinary in my clinical experience and the findings of the study is evident in every healthcare setting that when there is a rapid turnover interval of patients meaning admission of patients is greater than the discharge it will caused high bed occupancy resulting to increase in the MRSA rate due to ov ercrowding and work plume of nurses and other healthcare workers in a hospital setting.Such limitations will put the nurses and medical staff working under pressure and may tend to forget to follow hygiene procedures and infection control practices (Wenzel, 1993). This article may influence the identified problem in my clinical experience by introducing equitable distribution of workload among nurses and medical staff that will include the number of patients to be taken care of by each nurse or medical staff.In this case, nurses could concentrate on the activities and care plan to be introduced to the patient including the promotion of proper hygiene and ceremony of infection control practices. Conclusion In conclusion, the main recommendations arising from this study suggest that nurses must be knowledgeable to the current policies and guidelines recounting to proper hygiene and infection control practices. This recommendation relates to the competencies of nurses to promote an environment that enables client safety, independence, quality of life, and health.Likewise, nurses must also be responsible for their own professional development (Weber & Kelly, 2003). All qualified nurses must develop competency critical evaluation of research. concord to Borbasi, et. al. (2008), it must be evident that nursing care provided to clients if possible, is based on quality research based evidence. Assessing critical evaluation skills takes time and practice. Working along with other nurses (senior staff) can make the process more effective.This will ensure that the highest possible standard for evidence-based practice is provided for patients. Relative to the three pieces of nursing research, it appears that poor hygiene and failure to follow infection control practices by nurses and other healthcare workers are contributory to rapid transmission of nosocomial infections such as MRSA in a clinical setting (Bissett, 2005). To effectively address this issue existing po licies and guidelines on infection control and prevention should be updated and strictly implemented in a clinical setting.An audit dickhead to monitor compliance of nurses and other health professionals to the said guidelines and policies should be initiated as part of the strategies on how to minimize if cannot eradicate the spread of infections. This study can be considered as a wake up call for nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers for them to religiously observe proper hygiene within the hospital setting and strictly follow the standards provided by the government to stop the spread of infections in a clinical setting as well as in federation setting through effective information, and education campaign.REFERENCES Bissett, L. (2005). Controlling the risk of MRSA infection screening and isolating patients. British journal of Nursing, 14 (7), 396-390. Borbasi, S. , Jackson, D. , & Langford, R. (2008). Navigating the maze of nursing research 2e An interactional learning adventure. Sydney, Australia Elsevier Mosby. Candlin, J. , Stark, S. (2005). Plastic apron wear during direct patient care. Nursing Standard. 20, (2), 41-46. Cunningham, J. , Kernohan, W. , & Rush, T. (2006). make love occupancy, turnover internal and MRSA rates in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Nursing, 15 (6), 324-328.Gopal Rao, G. (1998). Risk factors for the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Department of Microbiology, University hospital Lewisham, London Gould, D. (2008). Isolation precaution to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Nursing Standard. 23, (22), 47-55. Parahoo, K. (1997). Nursing Research Principles, processes and issues. Macmillan. ISB No. 337-69918-1. Weber, J. & Kelly, J. , (2003). Health assessment in nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Wenzel, RP. (1993). Prevention and control of nosocomial infections, (2nd ed. ). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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